During the summer I came across a recipe for Fairy Mud that intrigued me. I had planned on trying this out with my children, but never got around to it. In November our family spent a lot of time indoors as we recuperated from various illnesses, so I thought we would try making the mud. Putting my own spin on …
Hosting A Frozen Palooza For Under $40
This last week we celebrated my daughter Rebekah’s 7th birthday! Like many, many little girls her age she is in love with all things Frozen and begged that I put on a Frozen Palooza for her this year. Finances have been a little tricky for our family this year and so I needed to make sure Rebekah’s party was fun …
Mom Tested Delicious Apple Crisp Recipe
There is ALWAYS an opportunity cost involved when I cook. I know that by even stepping foot into the kitchen that is exactly the moment when chaos will erupt in my house, screaming will begin, fighting will ensue and tears will fall (only occasionally mine). Here’s what happened today when I ventured into the kitchen….. Not going to see images …
Spooky Meal Ideas: Mummy Dogs!
I am super excited to be bringing you this fun post today! Mom It Forward has invited me to share a recipe of my choosing featuring a product from Hillshire Brands that I purchased at a Safeway grocery store. These are both brands that I have enjoyed and supported for years so I was happy to be a part of …
Be Scarf-a-liscious
Every year in October fleece goes on sale and when it does I grab up oodles in preparation for the Holiday season. Today I want to show you one of the very simple and easy gifts my children make as Holiday presents for their teachers and friends. It is actually something they look forward to doing each year and as …
The GREAT Pumpkin Palooza
I have been a very good girl and waited patiently for the opportunity to start, pinning, sharing and blogging about all things Fall. I love this time of year and I really, really love pumpkin! The JENerally Informed family will be baking, crafting and whipping up pumpkin themed items like crazy and just wait until you see the masterful pumpkin …
The Best Zucchini Bread Recipe EVER
The Best Zucchini Bread Recipe EVER I am a sucker for fresh farm stand produce. Last week my children and I stopped at a farm stand on a local Indian reservation and picked up the most beautiful squashes and zucchini. My children were excited to pick up this produce, because they are avid zucchini bread fans and together over the …
Guest Post: Travel Countdown Display
To say that I am excited to have the amazingly talented Sarah from Ruffles & Rainboots guest post here at JENerally Informed today is an understatement. Sarah is the real deal. She is both creative as well as an entertaining and witty writer. If you haven’t checked out her blog you need to. I begged her to come guest post …
Sharing The Best With You: Blueberry Sugar Cookies
Hosting a backyard picnic or BBQ this week, well then here is a fabulously easy dessert that will not only wow your party goers, but leave them impressed with your cooking prowess. Let me introduce Blueberry Sugar Cookie Stackers! Here’s How You Make It: Start with my homemade sugar cookie recipe. Then stack 2 cookies together with your favorite frosting …
Host Your Own Old Fashioned Summer Watermelon Bust
This week I was invited to guest post a family fun activity over with the amazing people of Mom It Forward. It felt like that moment when you did something back in school that was worthy enough to get you the nod of approval from the “cool kids”. I think we have well established my love of simplicity, and how …
The Easiest and Best Sopapillas You Will Ever Make
I have already covered that my mother is from Chihuahua Mexico and my family has a long standing tradition of fabulous Mexican food. Mexico is a very big country with many regions and each region has it’s signature dishes which vary in both ingredients and cooking styles. This week my family had the stomach flu so I haven’t …
Jen Nails It Southern Pinterest Challenge
A few weeks back I introduced a new Jen Nails It Pinterest Challenge, wherein I was going Southern. I, the little Hispanic girl, was going to try and make fried chicken and the whole enchilada. Um, make that grits casserole? Here was the recipe and picture I snagged from Pinterest. I also decided to …
Making Jam Isn’t As Hard As You Think It Is
When I was a little girl my mother would make homemade freezer jam. She worked out of the home, had a whole passel of kids and had very limited time, but she knew how much her family liked it and so she found time to make it. When I grew up I wanted to be a fabulous cook just like …
How to Turn Your Princess Into A Mermaid
My middle daughter Rebekah has been begging for a mermaid tail for quite a long time. The only problem is that they aren’t cheap and I am not really the best seamstress. So I came up with a plan for how to make a super simple and cute mermaid tail. You are really going to be blown away by how …