Jen Nails It Southern Pinterest Challenge

In Cooking & Crafting, Pinterest by Jen

A few weeks back I introduced a new Jen Nails It Pinterest Challenge, wherein I was going Southern.

I, the little Hispanic girl, was going to try and make fried chicken and the whole enchilada. Um, make that grits casserole?

Here was the recipe and picture I snagged from Pinterest.







I also decided to make this cheesy grits caserole.







As the coup d’etat I pulled in this recipe for collared greens.






I really needed to Nail this as we all remember my attempt at a mystery craft challenge from last week….

Not so hot, huh?

Well so how did this one turn out? My extended family did not believe I actually attempted this, so wha-bam, here are the pics to prove it.

Here’s a complete look at the meal:

