Jen Discusses Being A Junkie And A Blogiversary

In Blogging, Reviews by Jen

Guess what this week marks?

The one year Blogiversary for JENerally Informed!

Don’t worry if you didn’t get me flowers or anything, because this date kind of crept up on me too.

Last week I was perusing some of my old posts to refresh them and noticed the date on my very first post ever. It kind of stank, but hey we all have to start somewhere.

Anyway I then started looking at some of the stats for my blog and truthfully I was kind of amazed.  To date I have published 215 posts and have over 4,000 comments. I have had posts nationally syndicated and even better I have made some awesome friends! That’s some no joke work that took place in just one year.

So, heck yeah let’s go ahead and celebrate this blogiversary!

You may not know this about me, but I am a bit of junkie. Gasp, Jen a junkie?  On what you may ask?

Here let me show you:

Now don’t go trying to tell me why eating these are bad for me. I know, but please tell me that looking at this picture doesn’t make you want one too??

So because I know you want one, I will be gifting one lucky reader an entire dozen of their own!

But, before we get to that I thought it might be fun to go back in time and review some of the “highlights” from this last year.

I named my blog JENerally Informed because I believe that none of us are one dimensional. I wanted the freedom to be able to blog about a wide array of subjects. Some days I wanted to talk parenting, or share a recipe or even talk politics and current events. I am so blessed that many of you have stuck with me as I have jumped from topic to topic, because there has been a lot that has gone on around here!

We have covered tours of the U.S Mexico border and a discussion on detained immigrant children.

We have talked Frozen parties and fun!

There have been discussions on dealing with motherhood and being “Just a Mom“.

Oh and how can I forget all of the fun food we have talked about!

Hmmm… how have we not ended up with a donut recipe over here…….

We have talked about being bossy.

Shared some blogging tips.

Plus for extra fun we have talked about my favorite decade, the 80’s! Long live mullets and helmet hair!

Don’t forget Mommy Reality! Celeste what would I do without you!

The world really is a happier place now that there are Mommy Reality Memes like this one in it:

I want to give credit to all of you other awesome Mommy Reality community members, like Jennifer who is pictured above. Thank you for not being afraid to share the real moments in your life.

Before we get to the giveaway I just want to take a moment and let you know how very grateful I am to all of you for sharing this past year with me. Some of you are new friends and some have been here from the beginning, but all of you have helped to mold and create what JENerally Informed is today. I look forward to your comments and insight and in return I enjoy learning about your lives. Thank you and please know your support has been overwhelmingly appreciated!

Lastly, special thanks to my amazing husband Jensguy who has not only contributed some riotously funny material here, but has literally kept this page running!

So who wants some donuts??

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Stay Happy! Stay Informed!


