When I first started blogging I quickly found the SITS Girls (aka Secret In The Sauce) and became a part of the SITStahood!
I was lucky enough to attend a Bloggy Boot Camp earlier this year with co-founder Tiffany Romero and learned a ton.
Every weekday, they feature a blogger from their their over 40,000 member community and today, I’m so lucky it’s ME!
Check this bad boy out from over on the SITS site!
If you are new to JENerally Informed, welcome! I hope you stay a while so that we can become friends.
Here’s a little about me:
I am a hispanic girl living in Southern Arizona in a house that feels like a zoo! I have 4 children, a dog, a rabbit and whatever other varied amphibious creatures my children bring home with them.
I have a penchant for botching Pinterest Projects. Like that time I dyed my feet smurfy blue for 48 hours…..
Sometimes I actually NAIL some of my Pinterest projects! Like my pumpkin facial mask.
I really like to wear my pajamas.….
I am the co-creator of the Mommy Reality Challenge. We are a community of Moms who participate in bi-weekly challenges that showcase all the fun, crazy, and sometimes overwhelming moments that are in every mom’s life! As part of the challenges,we like to create memes like this.
I would love it if you came and joined our newest Mommy Reality Challenge!
Occasionally I craft and make things like this:
And like this:
I like to earn money and have some spiffy tips and tricks based on my experience as a public relations consultant for doing so with your blog.
With 3 daughters I am fairly well versed in Princess.
In 2012 my sister and I were blessed enough to be able to publish a book about a Practically Perfect Princess.
I like to make lists. Not your average shopping lists, but ones like this:
Other lists:
Seven Most Terrifying Children’s Movies Ever Made
The 10 Greatest Mullets of the 80’s & 90’s
Or just in time for the Holidays make sure to check out the list my husband and I (who is known around here as Jenguy) created!
Speaking of Jensguy, he is a regular around here with his Manday posts. He is hilarious and has created some wicked funny stuff.
He also likes to create memes.
Plus he is known as the tech guru and has helped out MANY of my blogging friends with his articles on KLOUT, cutting your spam, protecting your computer from some nasty viruses, and other entertaining and newsworthy stories.
Well, that is enough about me. Let’s talk about you!
Make sure to leave a comment so that we can connect and I can come stalk visit you!
We can also connect on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and G+
Stay Happy! Stay Informed!