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Airing Your Dirty Laundry: Mommy Reality Challenge #5

In Mommy Reality by Jen

Moms, you have responded to our call to action with pictures of dirty pots and pans piled high in kitchen sinks, filthy cars, messy baby faces, and mixed up meals! You have given us a glimpse into your lives and into your homes, making us proud and inspiring us to continue this real mom movement to bring an end to …

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Time For A Giveaway Palooza!

In Blogging, Reviews by Jen

When I started my little blog I really believed it would end up being a conversation with me myself and I, peppered with an occasional comment from my Mom and sister. Never in a million years did I imagine that people would actually read my blog and miracle of miracles comment and then come back! I cannot believe in just …

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Jen Takes Over Man-day!

In Man-day by Jen

Since it’s Father’s Day I am gifting Jensguy a break from posting and taking over his normal Man-day duties. Interestingly when queried what he would like for Father’s day he said a nap. What?? No fancy elaborate dinner at least?? He again said no. I countered with the fact that I have about 1 zillion recipes pinned just for this …

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My Mommy Reality: Time To Come Clean About My Kitchen Sink

In Mommy Reality by Jen

Since becoming a mother there have been several things I have had to realize I have no control over. This is a hard cold truth for an organizational over achiever like myself. For example, I learned early on that one does not ever really control a toddler, you think you do, but they are just toying you into complacency. I …

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What’s Really In Your Kitchen Sink? Mommy Reality Challenge #4

In Mommy Reality by Jen

The Mommy Reality Team Carolyn of A Lavender Life *Jen of JENerally Informed * Celeste of Leapfrog and Lipgloss We thoroughly enjoyed perusing the hash-tagged #mommyreality “Moment of Trouble” photos and posts of your teeny tiny troublemakers this week! We were thoroughly tickled by the teasing, tears, and tantrums (okay, we’ll knock it off with the “t’s). Thank you for …

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Man- Day Post: Why I Don’t Miss Dating as a Teenager

In Man-day by Jensguy

Welcome to Man-day with Jensguy! I have reached that awkward time in my life where I am starting to see the pictures of girls going to prom posted on Facebook by the mothers of the girls that I myself went to prom with.  Ahh, Technology!  My children are blessedly younger than that so I have a few more years to …

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My Mommy Reality: A Moment of Trouble

In Mommy Reality by Jen

Currently in my home there are 4 children, 1 rabbit, 1 dog, 12 fish some living in a tank inside our house and the rest are in our pond outside. Add to that 2 sleep deprived parents and a whole slew of neighborhood children and animals that frequent our house and there are very few moments I can think of …

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Mommy Reality Challenge #3: A Moment of Trouble

In Mommy Reality by Jen

It has been truly amazing to see all across social media the #mommyreality hash being used this week. As women we have come together willing to share and encourage each other through our triumphs and some pretty hilarious meal time fails. All of which began with the best of intentions. You shared your saltine crackers for dinner, recipe disasters, happy …

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He’s Just a Boy Who Stands All Alone. . .

In Parenting by Jen

Two of my children played baseball this last season. My husband coached Rebekah in her first year in tee-ball and helped out on my son Caleb’s baseball team when his coaching schedule allowed. Aren’t they cute? As a family, we have spent many nights out at the ball field over the last several months. In my time there I have …

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Dealing With Discouragement

In Motherhood, Parenting by Jen

Yesterday we went to our community pool/ splash pad. The baby and I were sitting in the sun getting warm and watching her brother and sisters splash in the pool. Anneliese had been chewing on a pair of goggles and decided to throw them at a woman sitting next to me. I grabbed them as they landed on her legs …

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Man-day Post: Four Things You Need to Know About the VA Scandal.

In Man-day by Jensguy

By now most of you have heard about the VA (Veterans Administration) hospital scandal.  There are a lot of elements that go into it, but the bulk of the problem that is being considered now was the use of fake “wait lists” to schedule medical appointments for veterans who use the public VA hospital system created for their care.  This …