Let me start off by saying how completely thrilled we are by the outpouring of support and excitement you all have shown for the launch of our Mommy Reality Challenge. Carolyn, Celeste and myself have already been busy checking out your funny posts, pics and tweets. Thank you for not being afraid to show your Real Mom moments. I have …
I Got To Say It Was A Good Day
It’s time to celebrate! Jensguy was able to import ALL of my comments. JENerally Informed no longer looks like a one way conversation involving me, myself and I. I don’t think I am capable of explaining what it took to accomplish this, but my husband said it closely resembled plunging clogged toilets. Stay Happy! Stay Informed! Love, Jen
7 Tips For Raising A Son
As a mother to three girls and 1 boy, I quite often get the comment that there has to be a lot of girl power running rampant in my house. I am not a fan of the word girl power, but it’s not for the reasons you think. I far prefer the concept of equal power. I am working hard …
Man-day Post: JENerally Informed 2.0
Time for this week’s installment of Man-day by Jensguy. Yep, we finally did it, and it wasn’t easy. Thank you for your patience as we completed the process. Please take your time and let us know what you think as you survey the new site, and please don’t be shy in telling us what you like and what you …
Come Join The Mommy Reality Challenge
Three blogger friends are setting out to change the way the world views the reality of motherhood. Today, we are proud and positively ecstatic to announce the launch of the #mommyreality Blogging Challenge! Meet The Mommy Reality Team: Carolyn of A Lavender Life *Jen of JENerally Informed * Celeste of Leapfrog and Lipgloss Our Mission: We want to provide an …
The Anatomy Of A Viral Post
About a week ago I was invited to attend a mini Bloggy Boot Camp put on by the SITS Girls and Invisalign. Last week here on the blog I covered 5 important points that every blogger should know. Holly (Quirky Momma) from The Kids Activity Blog was also a featured speaker at the Boot Camp. Holly is amazing and her …
Dealing With Milestones
This week we are heading into some BIG milestones for our family, a kindergarten graduation and a graduation from elementary school. First let’s talk about my kindergartener, Rebekah. I cannot believe that an entire school year has passed, It seems like just yesterday that I dropped her off for her first day of school. Now she will be graduating kindergarten. …
Man-day Post: Happy Mother’s Day!
It’s time for another installment of Man-day from Jensguy. I’m going to keep this post short, because I have quite a few things going on today. To my late mother: Thank you for raising me, mostly alone. That took strength that can’t be measured and I hope to continually live up to your sacrifice. I miss you every day and …
Five Things I Learned At Bloggy Boot Camp Every Blogger Should Know
This last Sunday evening I was invited to attend a Bloggy Boot Camp sponsored by the SITS Girls and Invisalign. I have never been to one of these before and was ready and excited to learn as much as I could. There was a lot covered in a very short period of time and I took a lot of notes. …
Sometimes Being A Mother Stinks
Yes, yes you did just read that right. Wait, isn’t this the week that we celebrate all things wonderful about motherhood and are supposed to walk away with warm and cuddly feelings? Those who are truthful about motherhood will know what I mean about having times when it really stinks. If you aren’t there yet, just wait, it’s coming. Like …
Man-day Post: Is the Jungle Book Racist?
It’s time for another installment of Man-day by Jensguy Generally, when I see entrainment reporters trying to “bring the history,” I have to shake my head and bite my tongue. However, in this case, I think I’m going to say something. Yahoo entertainment reporter Amanda Bell writes an article talking about the upcoming live action remake of “The Jungle Book,” …
The Easiest and Best Sopapillas You Will Ever Make
I have already covered that my mother is from Chihuahua Mexico and my family has a long standing tradition of fabulous Mexican food. Mexico is a very big country with many regions and each region has it’s signature dishes which vary in both ingredients and cooking styles. This week my family had the stomach flu so I haven’t …
Disney Infinity Just Got A Whole Lot More Awesome
Last week I discussed with you the Disney Infinity gaming system. Yesterday Disney just announced a new addition coming this fall, and it includes Marvel characters: Hey, recognize these guys? Just like a mirror. Nailed It! So back to the Infinity release, it looks like the Black Widow will soon be teaming up with Elsa from Frozen on the JENerally …
How to MakeYour Own Sugar Body Scrub
As we are getting ready to head into summer, at least here in my neck of the woods, my skin is feeling dry and rough. On a recent trip to the mall to pick up some sugar scrub to counteract this problem, I had the epiphany that I could make this myself. Now we all know that not all of …