Poem via Leilani at Just a Touch Of Crazy
Here is my Mommy Summer Reality in pictures:
Little Princesses fully dressed swimming in kiddie pools.
Trips to new and exciting places!
Swimming Fun
And moments I wish could last forever…….
Happy Summer!
Stay Real! Stay Happy! Stay Informed!
In case you’ve missed this week’s challenge post, this week, we’re linking up our Essence of Summer pictures! So far, we’ve been doing pretty specific topics with a hilarious edge, but due to the recent holiday, we decided be a bit laid-back and lenient and do a bit of a free-for-all. The only rule this week is to snap a pic of a summer-y moment, whether it be your kids playing in the sprinklers, an outdoor BBQ, or sticky Popsicle faces. It STILL can be humorous, still can be raw, still can be real! Free reign this week!
So snap a pic, make a post and/or share it on a social media site with the hashtag #mommyreality and link it up below or on this weeks challenge post!