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Easy To Make Valentine’s Day Wreath

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

I love making rag wreaths! They are the easiest way to add a little holiday bling to your home decor. So far I have made a few for several holidays, but I haven’t made one for Valentine’s Day, and my front door really needed one! And today my girls and I sat and watched the new season of Miraculous and …

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Mini Pineapple and Lime Grinch Donuts

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

    Yesterday my daughter Bekah and I decided to bake some donuts for Holiday deliveries! She and I looked at our stash of ingredients and decided some tropical-flavored Grinch donuts were precisely perfect. They turned out so yummy too. The main base of the donut was the pineapple flavor and then we topped them with lime chocolate frosting. Delicious! …

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Chorizo and Cheese Puff Pastry Bites

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

Have you ever tried chorizo? Or have you never even heard of it? It’s a spicy sausage that is either made with pork or beef. In Southern AZ you can pick it up at almost any grocery store. In my family, we cook chorizo with scrambled eggs and serve it with fresh tortillas, but chorizo is so good and can …

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Easy Pizza Roll-Ups

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

Do you have a meal that is your favorite simply because it tastes so good and is super easy to make? Those are my favorite kinds of recipes! I love to cook, but I have no time and meals need to be of the time economy version. Some of my favorite recipes like this are old. They are ones that …

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Easy To Make Christmas Tree Pillow

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

Hi everyone! This week my oldest daughter comes home for Thanksgiving from college and she asked if we can decorate for Christmas together while she is here this week. She has been gone the last 2 Christmases serving an 18-month Spanish-speaking mission in Houston Texas for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and she wants to do all …

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Orange Spiced Cider Sugar Scrub

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

My youngest daughter takes her bath time very seriously. She likes to use homemade soaps and says that sugar scrubs make “her skin feel fancy”. I am down with that mentality and agree with her. We use a lot of essential oils in our family and so making our own safe and wonderful-smelling bath products is pretty easy to do. …

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Vanilla Apple Cupcakes

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

Guys, my blog has broken 3 times in the last 2 weeks! It has been super frustrating, but I think it is fixed now. Sorry if you visited and got the 404 error. That’s always a super nice message for a blog…. So how about we celebrate my blog being fixed (fingers crossed) with a new recipe?! A recipe that …

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Pumpkin Cheesecake Bars

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

This weekend we ended up with a little case of pink eye for my youngest daughter. After a quick trip to urgent care to confirm her diagnosis and for meds, and since going to church was now out of the picture, I decided to do some baking! I scrounged around the kitchen and discovered that I actually had all of …

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Easy DIY Pumpkin Pillow

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

I am super excited for Fall this year! I love the colors, the decor, and the yummy food. Pumpkin especially! In total transparency, I haven’t started decorating yet, but I do have one new Fall decor item that is making me super happy! Sometimes after a super long and stressful day, I like to watch some type of movie, series, …

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No-Bake Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

I know some of you are dying just a little bit with all of the pumpkin spice everything that is out there already. But, you guys know how I feel about pumpkin. Or at least you will soon enough…. Never mind that it is still 100 degrees here in Southern Az and nowhere near Fall-like weather, to me, it doesn’t …

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Easy Mummy Cupcakes

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

Oh my goodness, it has been a hot minute since I shared anything here! I missed you guys! Somehow I unexpectedly took a long summer off from blogging, other than the weekly Happy Now Link-Up posts, and the break has been really nice. I love blogging and all of you, but sometimes something just has got to go, and this …

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Blueberry Mini Donuts

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

About a month ago my husband and I picked up one of those little lava cake/bundt maker machines on mega clearance. It sat on the counter for over a month until we opened it up to try our hand at making some orange creamsicle donuts. They turned out delicious (we ate them all so there were none for pictures), someday …

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KETO Berry Smoothie

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

Hi everyone! Gosh, has this last month been crazy! Two graduations and I kid you not, but if there was an illness to have, my kids brought it home! I have the Dr. and Urgent Care on speed dial. I am sure they love it just as much as I love having all the sickness! Anyways, I did want to …

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KETO Oven Baked Breakfast Frittata

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

After Easter and welcoming my missionary daughter home, I felt like a few weeks on KETO might do my system good. As always, after just a week, I feel less sluggish and more energized. I don’t think I could live the KETO lifestyle forever, but little stretches to get my body in shape, which is then followed by exercise and …