I can’t believe that we have made it to week 10 of the Mommy Reality Challenge! I have had so much fun seeing your pictures, meeting your family members and learning about your own version of Mommy Reality. Each of you who have participated over the past 10 weeks have become dear friends and I look forward to seeing your …
Mommy Reality Challenge #10: Food Foto Face
Well, lookie what has happened here! We’ve reached TEN whole weeks of this Mommy Reality Challenge thing! We thought this called for a celebration. Bu-ut it’s summer vacation, actually, and we’re just too wiped-out to do anything especially smashing and clever. So, instead we present you with a new fabulous graphic for your viewing pleasure especially for this post! WOOO! …
JENerally Informed Special Assignment On The Border
Many of you know that last month I covered a story about the 1000+ children being held in a detention facility about an hour south of where I live in Southern Arizona. Because of this story an opportunity to tour the border on an assignment for BlogHer has opened up to me. Jensguy and I will be touring some pretty …
Man-day Post: Movies I Love, But Can’t Recommend
I don’t believe that I am alone in my enjoyment of certain things which I am fairly sure others might not enjoy nearly as much as I do. For example, something like Kipper Snacks. Kipper snacks aren’t for everyone, but if you like them you just really like them. It’s like Sardines, but far more photogenic. So I’m going to …
Week 9 Of The Mommy Reality Challenge: Life Hacks
Can you believe that we are at week 9 of the Mommy Reality challenge! When the Mommy Reality team began this project we started with the hope of creating a community of mom’s who would encourage and support one another on this important and difficult journey of motherhood. It has been exciting to watch as together we have shared …
Where’s Olaf
My children are crazy about Frozen. I believe we have now watched the movie HUNDREDS of times. Rebekah, my 6 year old, has been very concerned that since this is Olaf’s first summer alive he really should have the full “In Summer” experience. So, we decided it would be fun if we took our own little Olaf along with us …
Your Next Stop On The Virtual Blog Tour!
Have you heard about the Virtual Blog Tour? It’s been making it way around the blogosphere for the last several months and I am the next stop on the tour! Woo-hoo! Thanks to the fabulous Susan of The Most Of Every Moment for inviting me on this trip. If you haven’t read her blog, you really should. Susan is a …
Man-Day Post: The Death of Blogging: Part 2
Continued from last weeks post The Death of Blogging. It’s not about you. One of the things I have noticed is that those who proclaim the death of blogging are really shouting “my blog isn’t doing as well!” Here is a fun excerpt from Wired Magazine circa 2008 (funny how that feels like such an eternity ago in digital time.) …
Soy Latina and a Supernatural Believer
In case you missed it, this week’s Mommy Reality Challenge is about ALL of your little “me” time secrets and mommy guilty pleasures you use to stay sane and survive mother-hood. Here’s mine. A lot of Hispanics LOVE soap operas, only we call them “novelas”. When I was a little girl I grew up on “soaps” both in English and …
Mommy Reality #8- Guilty Pleasures
Meet the Mommy Reality Team: Carolyn of A Lavender Life *Jen of JENerally Informed * Celeste of Leapfrog and Lipgloss In honor of the Fourth of July holiday here in the States last week, we were extremely laid-back with our challenge topic and offered up some summertime free reign with our Essence of Summer Challenge. We called upon you to …
Guest Post: My Mommy Reality by Leilani
I am so very happy to have Leilani from Just a Touch Of Crazy Guest Posting over here at JENerally Informed today. Leilani is immensely talented, a fabulous photographer and has quickly become one of my best blogging buddies. Read her post and you will want to be her friend too! One of my favorite hobbies is documenting the life …
That Day I Met The Grumpy Cat
Several months ago I was invited to be a guest at a special Disney Social Media Moms On The Road Tour slated for Phoenix this summer. To say I was excited about being included in this event is totally understating it. I was over the moon thrilled. Growing up I had only been to Disneyland once, but since becoming an …
Man-day Post: The Death of Blogging- Part 1
Have you heard the news? Blogging is dead. Every year people march out articles telling us that the era of blogging is finished and the “new thing” is ready to take over. Generally, they are selling something or just crying for attention. I especially love it when they make the pronouncement on a blog (very post-modern.) But the claim is …
Mommy Reality Summer Edition
Here is my Mommy Summer Reality in pictures: Little Princesses fully dressed swimming in kiddie pools. Trips to new and exciting places! Watermelon! Swimming Fun Fishing And moments I wish could last forever……. Happy Summer! Stay Real! Stay Happy! Stay Informed! Love, Jen In case you’ve missed this …