For the majority of the world, back to school happens sometime this month or in early September. Unless you are my family, and then it happened last week, in July.
Yes, please go ahead and feel bad for me. I will accept gift cards for doughnuts and ice cream.
With the beginning of a new school year, I have decided that it is important for not only the kids to make some goals, but for me the mom to make a few as well.
So, here is a list of 5 things I WILL and WILL NOT do this school year.
We will start with what I WILL NOT do:
1. I WILL NOT show up every morning to school drop off in my yoga pants and a ponytail. I vow to wear real clothes when doing this at least 1 or 2 times this school year. How is that for progress?!
2. I WILL NOT pack one single BENTO lunch-box. Sorry kids, when I was your age I had a bologna sandwich and tortilla chips for lunch every day of my school existence. You should be grateful that I add in yogurt, fruit and other change-ups to your lunch.
3. I WILL NOT feel bad about missing some of my children’s events at school. For example, I will no longer feel guilty about not completely upending my schedule and the baby’s in order to see one of them lead the 25 second cheer at flag ceremony. If I can make it, and it’s important that I am there then I will be there.
4. I WILL NOT sell anything to raise money for the school. I will not buy one single roll of over priced and ugly wrapping paper or some crappy kitchen supply that will only sit in a cabinet in my home taking up space. Instead I will donate both money and time straight to the school and my children’s classrooms.
5. I WILL NOT do my children’s projects for them. I already have a bachelors degree. I did my time, and right now it is their job to learn everything they can during this school year, even if that means they fail sometimes. This will also mean that the projects they turn in will look like something a child their age would have done by themselves and not some glorified Pinterest project that I “helped” them do.
Now Here’s What I WILL do:
1. I WILL be involved in my children’s education. That means I will volunteer time in class and at school club activities when I can. Not overburdening myself when I can’t.
2. I WILL come and eat lunch with my kids so that I can meet their friends. I will be very much present during this school year, but not helicoptering.
3. I WILL help my kids work through the rough times. Sometimes kids are mean and unfortunately everyone will face this. I will keep communication open with both my children and their teachers and try to help them navigate any of these situations. I will be their advocate, their cheer leader and whatever other role that is needed to help them through these challenges.
4. I WILL more than likely be sitting in grueling heat and on uncomfortable benches for hours watching some form of team sports, school plays and more. I will do this because I love my kids and no matter how old they get, I still see them slyly looking around to check to see that I am sitting right there in those uncomfortable benches supporting them.
5. I WILL enjoy this time. This school year marks the end of junior high for one of my children and the end of elementary for another. I know how fast it all goes. Just a few years ago it felt like I was dropping off my oldest at kindergarten and now in just a few short weeks she will be turning 14. I have this time with them only once and I will not waste it.
Let’s do this! Back to school here we come!
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Stay Happy! Stay Informed!
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