I think it has been fairly well established that I consider donuts to be at the top of the food chain. Also established, is the fact that recipes requiring few ingredients, and even fewer steps are some of my favorite! So today, get ready for a new Thanksgiving recipe that I am pretty sure is is going to become a new internet phenomenon. Let me introduce you to turkey donuts!
Aren’t they the cutest?! Plus the absolute BEST part is they require zero cooking! Now I have your attention don’t I, because think of all the possibilities for these cuties; school parties, scout meetings, church groups, before Thanksgiving dinner just because….
So here is what you will need to make these:
One package plain cake donuts, candy eyeballs, sandy corn (I used 2 kinds), salted caramel or light brown frosting.
Here’s How To Make Them:
First, frost the donuts. My 4 year old did these, and so I had to let go of the whole idea that these should be completely line free.
Next, insert the candy corn with the pointy side into one side of the cake donut. The cake donut is a nice medium for this, because it really holds onto the candy corn. You can use as little or as much candy corn as you would like. Just be careful to not use so many that your turkey gets feather heavy. Last apply the candy eyeballs and a candy corn beak, and voila, done!
Gobble! Gobble! These beauties are my kind of turkey! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and thanks for stopping by.
If you enjoyed this post, I have a whole lot more donut love I have shared over here.
Powdered Sugar & Pumpkin Spice Baked Donut Holes
Red Velvet Cake Mix Donut Holes
Before you go, make sure to sign up for my email list, because I have loads of fun holiday posts you aren’t going to want to miss!