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Books Your 12 Year Old Daughter Will Want To Read

In Parenting by Jen

Enter stage left my beautiful, and seriously amazing, daughter Samantha. She is smart, kind, and beautiful inside and out. She is also a serious reader and is always on the search for fun books which she devours relentlessly. Since I have various stages of readers in my family and I know how I am ALWAYS searching for appropriate aged books …

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Now Here’s A Science Fair Project Winner

In Parenting by Jen

After just helping to finish off my 2 older children’s Science Fair projects I saw this on the Winging It Facebook page and thought it was the best project I have ever seen.  I know for our family the 32 page syllabus with over 100 required bullet points, no joke,  pretty much killed the love of the Science Fair in …

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Winter in Arizona!

In Parenting by Jen

Snow is just COVERING the trees in Southern Arizona where I live. Oh wait, those are pear blossoms. My mistake. Enjoy the rest of winter, America. I will come visit you in the summer when hot doesn’t even begin to describe it here.For now though, this weather can’t be beat!

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The Love Boat

In Parenting by Jen

Toot-Toot! The love boat is about to set sail.  This weekend is all about bringing out the love and many of you have spent weeks agonizing over the perfect gift to give to the special people in your life. Now some of us, um namely me, will pick up a pizza, put on some jammies and plan a night inside …

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I Am Not One Dimensional- Jenerally informed

In Parenting by Jen

For a very long time I have wanted to start up a blog, but with 4 children running amok in my house finding time to even go to the bathroom is difficult. So needless to say starting a blog got dumped further to the bottom of the bucket list. But that is all changing today. HERE I AM WORLD AND …