Celebrating The Good
This last weekend was insanely busy! There were birthday parties, movies in the backyard, homemade cheesecake, rain storms, puddle splashing plus a whole heck of a lot of blogging work ALSO went on!
Some of you may not know, but I am one one of the Co-hosts for the Blog Staycation. The Blog Staycation is a weekend-long virtual conference, where bloggers gather to learn, support, encourage and inspire one another. To date there have have been three Staycations, and the most recent one just ended on Sunday night. There was a lot going on for this Staycation! At the end of some of these chats, my fingers and my brain ached from how fast they were both working to try to keep up and process all I was learning! Now after the Staycation is over I feel more recharged than ever and ready to hit the blog world running because of all I learned this past weekend! There were amazing chats on monetizing, Periscope, social media and more!
Besides all that was happening with the Staycation there has also been a lot going on in the background for my little blog. I would like to share some of it with you. First off last week, I had two of my posts featured by the highly successful online women’s forum BlogHer. This means that many, many people were able to read my work. And also because of these features, my follows and likes exploded on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!
In case you missed it, here is what was featured:
The story about my miscarriage, the birth of my first daughter and my September 11th experience.
I had never publicly shared this story before, even just a few close family members knew the entirety of it, but I felt inspired to do it last week. The words flowed and in 30 minutes the post was written and done. I never in my wildest dreams imagined it would take off like it did. It has been shared across Facebook, Twitter and numerous times via other social media shares. I am touched and honored by all of those who shared their kind words and comments about my experience.
Also featured on BlogHer last week was my post, The Secret Life of Bloggers! I have to admit, that having my messy, wreck of a desk pictures broadcasted across social media also inspired me to clean it up! It looks so pretty now, but go ahead and take a look at the before picture below. It’s the desk with the toddler on it and the leaning tower of folders…
Also exciting, is the fact that I finally set up a Mail Chimp account this week and have plans to start sending out weekly newsletters! You can still receive post updates to your inbox via RSS feed, but the newsletters will be packed with some really great information and fun freebies that I won’t be posting here on the blog and you can only get from the newsletter. So I would love it if you would consider signing up for my newsletter!
Lastly, at the beginning of this year I began a very concerted effort to connect with brands and companies I already support and love. I am excited by the response I have received from many of these companies! So look for BIG things coming this way to my little corner of the Internet!
Thank you to everyone who already follows me here, your support is invaluable!
If you would like to participate in the next Blog Staycation that will be happening January 14th-17th, make sure to join the Facebook group and sign up to receive our email updates here.
Now if you also participated in the Staycation I want to see your accomplishments and success! So please link it all up below!
Stay Happy! Stay Informed!