One of the beautiful things about Arizona during the Spring is the abundance of citrus we have available to us. So many of my wonderful neighbors are willing to share their bounties with us in the form of lemons, oranges, grapefruit and tangerines. Recently on our family nightly walks one of our neighbors has a tree overgrowing with amazing tangerines, …
Free Easter Look & Find
Hi friends! This week we have been planning and prepping for Easter. It’s an interesting time to celebrate a holiday, but I am excited for the at-home celebration we are working on. As part of our celebrations, I thought a new Easter themed Look & Find would be a fun addition. Free Easter printable look & find for your at-home …
Fifteen Essential Oils That Have Disinfecting Properties Plus DIY Cleansers
Right now, we all know that you are hard pressed to find a can of Lysol or a package of sanitizing and cleaning wipes just about anywhere. The good news is though, that even if you can’t find those items, you can still find some great essential oils that have antimicrobial properties and can help to boost the effectiveness of …
Peach Strudel Muffins
Hi folks! How goes hunkering down? It has been rainy and blustery here in Southern Arizona and so we haven’t even been able to enjoy very much backyard playtime, but I have been baking! This week I whipped up a super yummy and simple to make strudel muffin that is made from fresh peaches. It got a double thumbs up …
Lucky Pistachio Pudding Dessert
My youngest daughter Anneliese was born in the month of March and was asking me if we had a “lucky” kind of dessert she and I could whip up this month to celebrate her birthday and all things Irish. I laughed a little when she said this, because to me all desserts are lucky….. I did however, figure something out …
FREE St. Patrick’s Day Bingo Card Printables
Every year as St. Patrick’s Day gets closer, my family enjoys celebrating our Irish heritage. In case you are wondering, we are Mexican, Irish, Danish and more! Isn’t cultural diversity a beautiful thing?! This year to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, the JENerally Informed crew will have a few Irish themed dinner nights, complete with traditional Irish food tasting and some …
Lemon Blueberry Muffins
Last weekend two fun things happened. The first was that my daughter Rebekah was in a production of Shrek Jr. Here she is as the cutest blind mouse ever. The second fun thing was that on a quick stop into the grocery store I discovered that blueberries were on sale! Blueberries are a family favorite, and so I might have …
Valentine’s I Spy
This week we finally put up all of the Valentine’s Day accouterments around the house, and of course my younger children started asking me when I would be making a new Valentine’s Day I Spy? They cracked me up with their, “It’s pretty easy for you Mom, right?” and their “We really like doing them!” This morning when I showed …
Valentine’s Day S’mores
This week I came upon a rather glorious find at the grocery store. I had never seen something like these before, so let me take a minute to introduce you to chocolate filled, strawberry marshmallows! Awesome, right?! One look at these beauties, and I knew there was a Valentine’s Day themed food craft just waiting to be created! Share a …
Red Velvet Quick Shake
Happy Mid-January friends! I know that some people might think setting up Valentine’s Day accoutrements in stores the day after Christmas seems a little premature, but I have to admit to being someone who finds immense pleasure in seeing those shiny red foil hearts and pink bursting blossoms on store shelves. I also think that all holiday celebrations are less …
Easy Pasta e Fagioli
Over fall break I took my children to Olive Garden for lunch. They fell in love with the Pasta e Fagioli dish that they serve there and have been asking to go back. Now because I am cheap…. a WHIZ in the kitchen, I instead decided to do what I do best. To come up with an easy to pull …
Last Minute Ornament Christmas Decoration Or Gift Idea
Hi everyone! Is anyone feeling just a bit of the crush this week? Last week we had major car drama and right now we have yet another dead one sitting in the garage to be sorted out tomorrow. Ah yes, it’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas! If you too are feeling the crush and need a last minute …
Christmas I Spy
Merry almost Christmas friends! Our family’s lists to Santa have been delivered, parades have been attended, and many sweet treats ingested. Oh yes, and an ankle was twisted on the school play structure. No cast, but crutches for a while for that kid! I hope that your Holiday season, even amid the struggles and crazy is proving to have moments …
Baked Eggnog Doughnuts
*This post contains affiliate links. By clicking and purchasing from these links I make a small commission. Thank you! Do you love eggnog? My family really loves that rich and delicious stuff! During the Holidays I try to keep it around for them to enjoy. This week as I was pouring a glass for my youngest daughter I had a …