As a blogger, there is one question I get asked over and over again, ” What do you have to do in order to build a successful blog?” This is a tricky question and one that is more difficult to answer than you would think. Here’s Why.
Success Is Hard To Measure
Sure there are tools like KLOUT and Alexa which rank one blogs’ “success” against another blog. It is best to keep in mind though that there are many different kinds of blogs and bloggers. Some bloggers blog primarily as a way to keep a journal of their important family events. Some post about their family for a wider audience. Some write about books, fashion, crafts, interior design, giveaways and truly the list could go on for a while here.
So if your blog successfully helps to keep Grandma and Grandpa and all of your other family members updated on what is going on in your life, then I would say mission accomplished! You are a successful blogger, even though your Alexa ranking may be 10,000,000 globally (the higher the number the worse the rating).
If you would like to go further than maintaining a journal type blog, here are a few things to keep in mind:
Set Goals For Your Blog
Now armed with the understanding that success can vary from blog to blog, your first step should be to set personal goals for your own blog. Is your primary blogging goal to reach a very specialized audience? Is it to reach a wider and larger audience? Are you looking to make money off of your blog?
The goals you set should be uniquely your own and should reflect what you want to see your blog turn into. Don’t rush it. It’s best to take baby steps and set small and perhaps even some bigger long term goals that are realistic for your life. Remember that sometimes our original blogging goals will change over time, but in order to make blogging work for you- set goals and set them right from the start!
Establish Your Brand
Good bloggers understand they aren’t just creating a blog, they are creating a brand. Branding is an opportunity to showcase what makes you unique, because you are!
The first step of branding is to create your own blogging voice. It might take some time to do this, but the voice you use in your posts is your brand and everything you do as a blogger should support and promote that brand. Strengthening your brand should also be done through your blog images, the hops or link-ups you participate in and your social media posts, pics and tweets.
Make Connections
No matter how nice looking your blog is no one will visit it, not even your family, unless you let people know it exists. If you want people to visit, get out there and make connections! Blogging is all about community and genuine connections with other bloggers. Your effort and the connections you make all help to define and promote your blogging brand.
You Will Get Out Of Blogging What You Put Into It
If you have something of value you treat it differently. This same rule applies to blogging. Your blog will reflect the work you put into it. Enough said.
The Secret To Successful Blogging
I know I am not the world’s expert on blogging, but I am happy with the progress I have made towards achieving my personal goals, and most of all, I have had a blast every minute of the journey. The biggest secret of blogging is to enjoy the work and the people you meet doing it. With JENerally Informed, I love my subject matter and the audience I attract. If you aren’t having fun, the work will become a chore, and a difficult one as blogging regularly is wicked hard work. If you are achieving your goals, AND having fun there is no greater measure of success.
Stay Happy! Stay Informed!