Another week’s installment of Man-day from Jensguy. This is my grandfather, Ward Harold Jensen: I never knew him, he died of cancer three years before I was born. He was born just before the turn of this last century, lived most of his life, and died in the small town of Redmond, Utah, which I can almost guarantee that nobody reading this …
I Am This Week’s Happiness Is Homemade Co-Host
I am super excited to be this week’s co- host for The Happiness is Homemade Link Party!!This is a great link-up with a lot of really great content. Take a look at last week’s most viewed items from the party: 1. Lemon Bars from Savvy in the Kitchen 2. Make your Pics more Pinteresting by Darlene Nemeth 3. A Burger’s …
And She Grew And She Grew
One year ago today I gave birth to my fourth child, Anneliese. She was so very little and not particularly pleased to see any of us. She fussed about her new lodgings quite ferociously for weeks, but how very quickly she became loved by her 3 older siblings and parents. She was hardly ever put down and all of us …
Guest Post- How To Do Your Makeup In 10 Minutes Or Less
Today I am SO very excited to introduce a very special person here on JENerally Informed. Berta from Mommy Like Whoa is guest posting and sharing with all of us her 10 minute makeup tutorial. That’s it 10 minutes and my makeup can be done? This is amazing and exactly what my time starved life needs. So without further ado …
Books For Your Little Train Enthusiast
We have already established my son’s love of Lego, but before this his first love was anything to do with trains. I have spent hours over his 9 year life span finding books online and in the library all about this beloved transportation choice. He can quote facts about trains that impress and astound. He still loves trains and …
The Best Banana Bread You Are Ever Going To Taste!
I know that I have already shared with my readers the jewel that was given to me my by Mother-in-law as a wedding gift, my beloved cookbook. Inside this treasure trove of wonderfulness about 15 years ago I discovered a recipe that has made me famous. Yes, I do mean famous. Every time I make this recipe people eat it …
Man-day Post: Four Things You May Not Know About The Ukrainian Conflict
This week’s installment of the Man-day post. Before I met Jennifer, I had the opportunity to live in Russia and teach English to kindergarteners. Itwas one of the best experiences of my life. I love the Russian People. Today I was going to post on some of the odd things one finds in Russia, expanding on some of the funny photos we …
8 Things We NEED to Bring Back from the 80’s
A few days ago my children, whom I love, pointed out that I was born in a whole other century way back in the 1900’s. These are the moments you realize that those beautiful children you have raised, fed, and clothed for years may not make it to adulthood! I told them that just because this was a “new” century …
A Last Word On Love
February seems like the month many of us focus on and think about love. My husband and I have never really been big Valentines Day sort of people. We of course make sure our kids have Valentines and do fun things for them to make the day special, but I have never really gotten into the whole “Here’s your box …
So What’s Good On Netflix?
My family is almost to the point that we watch more NETFLIX than regular Television. I can actually foresee a point that we could do away with satellite television altogether. The biggest hangup is probably the hubs sports programming. That being said, there is a lot of good and bad on NETFLIX with a definite lack of newer movies to …
Everything Is Awesome- Lego Stuff
My 9 year old son Caleb doesn’t just like LEGO he LOVES LEGO. He is especially fond of anything to do with LEGO Star Wars. About 6 months ago I signed up to receive free copies of the LEGO magazine. Caleb loves it and devours each and every new edition of the magazine. Here is the link so you can …
Man-day Post: Don’t Be THAT Guy
It’s time for this weeks Man-day post by Jensguy. So, I’m going to go ahead and admit that I use Facebook, and although I am not constantly updating my status or looking to befriend everybody I ever met, I do find it interesting, especially as a study in social behavior. One of the things that gives me a chuckle is how, every couple …
Making The Perfect Sugar Cookie
When I got married my mother in law gave me an amazing gift that has benefited my family for years. What may you ask can be a gift that keeps on giving for that long? She gave me a cookbook and not just any cookbook, but a tried and true listing of recipes from women she knew personally who have …
The Economics of Milk
The price of milk is going up!!!!!!! My family goes through milk like it’s on tap. We have an extra refrigerator in the garage primarily to hold our weekly supply of milk. My grocery shopping destination is mostly determined by where milk is on sale. This terrible news comes via CBSNews marketwatch. The report states that March will …