I am HOOKED on Pinterest!
I love the luscious desserts and savory fare that make me drool over their sweet perfection. I covet the fashion and perfectly coiffed hair that seems so easy to copy and incorporate into my busy life. I salute all of the holidays that I never even knew existed. I too will celebrate National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day with all of the gooey goodness displayed in the magical squares of preparation perfection!
Pinterest is like a big happy smorgasbord of the best of everything and I can sample and even put things away for future conquest with a single click.
It’s no secret that I am completely time starved. Everything I cook, craft or try to accomplish in a day has to be done with maximum efficiency in mind. When I am on Pinterest, logic and reason forget to inform me that some of this stuff would be impossible for me. Something needs 40 ingredients, two weeks of preparation and ingredients only found in a Moroccan market, I can do that! That Spaghetti sauce with the meat and cheese stuffed pasta that has been passed down for generations until it is embedded in your family’s genetic code? I got that, and should be able to knock it out in about 45 minutes.
The fallacious belief that we can create everything we see on Pinterest has begun the “Nailed It” campaigns that have left many of us in stitches. You can check out my Pinterest board for some of my favorite Pinterest fails.
I believe that life should always be showered with moments of fun. To this end, I am embarking on the “Jen Nails It! Pinterest Challenge.”
Suggest something you think would be fun to watch a 30 something mother of four do for the first time and I will do my best to bring it to reality, documenting the entire process. My husband and children will be the final panel that chooses my ultimate adventure, and I suspect that they will pick the challenge that will amuse them more than a project that will set me up for success.
So here are some suggestions and they are not exclusive. I leave my fate in your hands. Suggest away via the comments section, and let’s have some fun together!
Possible Examples for Jen’s Nailed It Challenge
- Make baklava (It does not matter that I am not Greek and have never even attempted to make a Greek salad.)
- Visit the batting cages although I have never even hit a baseball.
- Tole painting
- Cartoon character cupcakes.
- Do-it-Youself beauty mask or hair products.
- A multiple step cooking or DIY project.
- One of the workouts from Pinterest.
Please feel free to ignore any campaigning my husband may undertake concerning Belly Dancing lessons. . .
Stay Happy! Stay Informed!