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Come Climb With Me

In Blogging by Jen

I am excited to be this week’s co-host for the Chain Linky Climb. I really like this hop because it will last for the whole month and is a great way to find new blogs, network and make new friends. It’s like a month long big old circle of friends! WELCOME!It’s the month long Networking Blog Hop Tweet about the …

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Guest Post: How To Shape and Define Eyebrows

In Beauty & Fashion by Jen

Who is ready for another beauty fix from the fabulous Berta of Mommy Like Whoa? Get ready for your complete guide to perfectly defining and shaping your eyebrows. Also, don’t miss Berta’s other contribution “How to do your makeup in 10 minutes or less!” Hey guys! It’s me again, Berta from over at Mommy Like Whoa! I had such a …

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The BEST Bread Recipe For An Automatic Breadmaker EVER!

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

When I was a little girl I was obsessed with the book Bread And Jam For Frances. I read the book so many times it fell apart. I also owned this nifty recorded version which I would play on my Fisher Price record player.  Yes, that would be the same record player the hubs talked about earlier this week. Yesterday …

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Man-Day Post: The Seven Coolest Toys I Owned As A Kid

In Man-day by Jensguy

It’s time for this week’s edition of Man-day from Jensguy. Do you ever have those moments when you look back wistfully at the things you owned as a child?  Obviously, because I was a boy, most of those things were lovingly used to the point that they were falling apart.  But they sure do bring back good memories.  So today …

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Lookee, Lookee A Liebster Award!

In Blogging by Jen

I have been blogging here on JENerally Informed for a short time and was really nervous about starting this blog. I shouldn’t have been. I have met such amazing people who I never would have met otherwise. People who have really taken me under their wing, been so very kind and become real friends. One of these people is my …

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I’m Co-Hosting This Week’s TGIF Blog and Instagram Hop!

In Blogging by Jen

I have a new addiction, Instagram! I love seeing your babies and children, your delicious food, amazing blog posts and all about your life. All of these things make me happy, but I need more. Like now. Luckily the ladies from Three Sisters and us, Complete Bliss, and My Silly Little Gang gave me the great opportunity to co-host their …

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Ulitmate Blog Party 2014

In Blogging by Jen

  A few years ago when I started blogging over on our book blog, The Practically Perfect Princess one of my friends tipped me off about The Ultimate Blog Party that is hosted by the fabulous ladies over at 5 Minutes For Mom. Being such a newbie I was nervous and scared, but joined in anyway. I should not have …

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Guest Post: Morning Time Savers for Busy Moms

In Motherhood, Parenting by Jen

  I have awesome friends and I love learning about their tried and true mothering tips. My friend Carolyn over at A Lavender Life wrote this very helpful post last week and it especially resonated with me. I have 3 children to get out the door each morning. I end up doing hair while holding a baby, making lunch and …

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Meet 7 Animals Who Will Never Be Disney Characters

In Parenting by Jen

My son Caleb felt like we had been leaning a bit too much towards the girl here lately and told me that we needed to bring in some more boy topics! He and I discussed what we could do and together we created this post. It really isn’t just for boys and we think you will find out some pretty …

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Guest Post: Easter Outfit Inspiration For Kids

In Beauty & Fashion by Jen

A while ago I came across an adorable blog, Well Dressed Peanuts crafted by the amazing Lisa. I love how she puts together such fabulous outfits for herself (she always looks so cute in all of her pics) as well as her darling little “peanut” Amalia Rose. Since it is now officially the beginning of Spring and we are just …

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Man-Day Post: Things Your Computer Guy Won’t Tell You

In Man-day by Jensguy

It’s time for this weeks Man-day post by Jensguy.   I am an IT expert, I own my own consulting company and work with small and large businesses helping them to initially build their computer infrastructure and then servicing all of their technology when things go wrong.  I have worked in this industry for 15 years now and I am familiar with just about …

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Some Ways To Fool Your Kids On April Fool’s Day

In Parenting by Jen

This week we celebrate the time honored tradition of freaking people out as part of a National Holiday.  I have amassed some of the best the internet has to offer in the hopes of helping you craft your own April Fool’s Day plans. Here is what I have planned for my family:   And another brilliantly simple prank: Have fun …

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Common Core? Let’s Start With Common Sense!

In Parenting by Jen

This is nine-year-old Kamryn Renfro:             When her best friend, elven-year-old Delaney Clements had a relapse of Neuroblastoma, a rare form of childhood cancer requiring chemotherapy, Kamryn shaved her head as a sign of solidarity with Delaney.         Here is the snuffle-inducing quote from Delaney: “I was really excited I would have …