Maybe this will be my last citrus-involved recipe……or maybe not?! Citrus makes me happy and hopefully, it makes you happy too! This week I have been juicing lemons and making fresh-squeezed lemonade for my kids. They have now become a bit spoiled and might not ever want to return to the canned stuff, but that’s fine because making your own …
The Happy Now Blog Link- Up #214
Welcome to the Two Hundred and Fourteenth Edition of The Happy Now Blog Link -Up! Hello and welcome! We are so happy you joined us! The Happy Now is a weekly link-up of posts that have been posted on websites all around the web. If you are a blogger we would love to have you share the …
Orange Bars
Remember last week when I shared a delicious recipe for lemon pound cake?! Now I am back and sharing another citrus-baked delicacy, equally as mouth-watering. Chalk it all up to the fact that Arizona is known for its citrus, and right now literally every neighbor has trees bursting with fruit that they are willing to share. Let me introduce you …
The Happy Now Blog Link- Up #213
Welcome to the Two Hundred and Thirteenth Edition of The Happy Now Blog Link -Up! Hello and welcome! We are so happy you joined us! The Happy Now is a weekly link up of posts that have been posted on websites all around the web. If you are a blogger we would love to have you share …
Easy Lemon Pound Cake
One of the beautiful things about Arizona during the Spring is the abundance of citrus we have available to us. So many of my wonderful neighbors are willing to share their bounties with us in the form of lemons, oranges, grapefruit and tangerines. Recently on our family nightly walks one of our neighbors has a tree overgrowing with amazing tangerines, …
The Happy Now Blog Link- Up #212
Welcome to the Two Hundred and Twelfth Edition of The Happy Now Blog Link -Up! Hello and welcome! We are so happy you joined us! The Happy Now is a weekly link up of posts that have been posted on websites all around the web. If you are a blogger we would love to have you share …
How To Celebrate 2020 Seniors During The COVID19 Pandemic
Back in 2020 people on “the Facebook” started a new trend where adults started posting pictures of their own graduation moments as a way to “stand in solidarity with the 2020 Senior class.” I hope that this type of silliness doesn’t start up again for the class of 2021, but just in case it does…. here are some real ideas …
The Happy Now Blog Link- Up #211
Welcome to the Two Hundred and Eleventh Edition of The Happy Now Blog Link -Up! Hello and welcome! We are so happy you joined us! The Happy Now is a weekly link up of posts that have been posted on websites all around the web. If you are a blogger we would love to have you share …
Good Friday April 10th Worldwide Day of Fasting
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This past weekend we participated in General Conference. It is a 2 day conference, where through the power of the internet and other modern technology, we can listen to our Prophet and leaders of the Church share messages of hope and peace through Christ, and also …
The Happy Now Blog Link- Up #210
Welcome to the Two Hundred and Tenth Edition of The Happy Now Blog Link -Up! Hello and welcome! We are so happy you joined us! The Happy Now is a weekly link up of posts that have been posted on websites all around the web. If you are a blogger we would love to have you share the …
Free Easter Look & Find
Hi friends! This week we have been planning and prepping for Easter. It’s an interesting time to celebrate a holiday, but I am excited for the at-home celebration we are working on. As part of our celebrations, I thought a new Easter themed Look & Find would be a fun addition. Free Easter printable look & find for your at-home …
Changing Our Mindset: We are Not Homeschooling- We are Crisis Schooling
This week the Principal at my children’s elementary school sent over a link to a blog post that changed how I am viewing our current schooling practices. This brilliant author and teacher introduced the concept that we are not homeschooling, we are crisis schooling. “You are NOT homeschooling. You are CRISIS schooling. There is a huge difference. You may choose …
The Happy Now Blog Link- Up #209
Welcome to the Two Hundred and Ninth Edition of The Happy Now Blog Link -Up! Hello and welcome! Taking lots of deep breaths these days, right?! The Happy Now is a weekly link up of posts that have been posted on websites all around the web. If you are a blogger we would love to have you share …
Fifteen Essential Oils That Have Disinfecting Properties Plus DIY Cleansers
Right now, we all know that you are hard pressed to find a can of Lysol or a package of sanitizing and cleaning wipes just about anywhere. The good news is though, that even if you can’t find those items, you can still find some great essential oils that have antimicrobial properties and can help to boost the effectiveness of …