My youngest daughter takes her bath time very seriously. She likes to use homemade soaps and says that sugar scrubs make “her skin feel fancy”. I am down with that mentality and agree with her.
We use a lot of essential oils in our family and so making our own safe and wonderful-smelling bath products is pretty easy to do. Keep in mind though that not all essential oils are created equal. This summer I dropped my oldest daughter off at college and she forgot her stash of essential oils. I knew I could mail them to her when I got home, but we stopped at a store and I saw a little packet of citrus and home-related clean-smelling oils that I thought could tide her over for a week or so. I also thought how bad can you mess up lemon? Ugh, we bought it and I was like this is NOT lemon. Gross. Seriously, there is a HUGE difference in the purity and effectiveness of oils.
We use Young Living and if you ever have any questions, feel free to ask me. I am not an expert, but I absolutely love essential oils and I learn more about how to use them every day. Now, how about I share that recipe for my Orange Spiced Cider Sugar Scrub?! It smells so good!
Here is the essential oil I used. It comes in a little collection of other deliciously smelling Fall oils, so you have a lot of options for bath-time creations!
To make this scrub you will need about 1/4 cup of brown sugar and about a tablespoon of coconut oil. You will also need a good container to store it in. Mix the sugar and coconut oil well and add about 6 or 7 drops of the Orange Spiced Cider essential oil. I like my sugar scrubs to be a little more creamy, but that is the “beauty” of making your own. You can add more or less brown sugar or coconut oil until you get the consistency you want. If you like your scrub to be more coarse, then add less coconut oil.
Right after my youngest daughter and I made this scrub, she took it right up to her little pampering corner to use for that night’s bath. In fact, she and I are planning on making some more sugar scrubs up for Holiday gift giving this year!
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