Mommy Reality: The Last Thing I Bought

In Mommy Reality by Jen

If you are new to the Mommy Reality Challenges, welcome! We are so glad you have joined us! The Mommy Reality Challenge is a way for us Moms to share the real in our lives and be proud about it. This week my Mommy Reality partner in crime Celeste has asked us to share the last thing we spent money on.

Luckily for all of you I hit the store for an emergency trip down the laundry aisle or you would have been seeing pictures of tampons and maxi pads. That would have been a little too real, right?

With 4 kids, 2 adults and multiple animals in the house we have discussed before how my laundry machine ensemble is always working in maximum over drive. One thing I have always tried to make sure my children completely understand is that they are NOT to leave surprises in the laundry basket for Mommy. It is always best if Mommy can be aware of what is in there and pre-treat it.

Do they listen, of course not!

So yesterday as I am happily performing my daily laundry ritual, but what should appear in my laundry basket?? A surprise and not the good kind, not the good kind at all!

Doubly bad was the fact that when I went to treat the offending garment we were all of out stain removers! Someone around here has really been slacking on making regular trips to the grocery store……

Anyway, after a quick trip and a few purchases later, all was right in the world. That is until the next time my children leave me another surprise.
