Ho, Ho, Ho! It’s the Friday after Christmas, but that’s not stopping us!
TGIF! Let’s get this Mommy Reality post started!
Jen and Celeste from the Mommy Reality team along with this week’s new special co-host: Katy, last week’s co-host: Lysa, and our special co-host from the week before: Lauren, put together an ULTRA-SPECIAL Mommy Reality Christmas performance.
But… wait! What’s gotten into Jen?!?! Jen, that’s not what we rehearsed!
Feliz Navidad! Watch us shake our Christmas maracas at JibJab.com.
Anyway, welcome to Mommy Reality Challenge #26!
If this is your first time hearing about the Mommy Reality Challenge we are so glad you are joining this great community of moms who participate in our bi-weekly challenges that showcase all the fun, crazy, and sometimes overwhelming moments that are in every mom’s life! Please don’t just read. This is an INTERACTIVE post! Come join in all the fun!
The Rules are Simple!
- We will announce the theme.
- You will take a pic, post it to the social media account of your choice with the hashtag #mommyreality or write a post and then link it up to this blog post!
- Then in two weeks, we will announce our favorites and award a meme to the winner.
In our last Mommy Reality challenge, Jen requested for us to give her a glimpse of our Christmas. There was beautiful decor linked up, gripes about Elf on the Shelves, and the sharing of annual holiday traditions. As usual, we could only pick one winner!
The winner of Mommy Reality Challenge #25: A GLIMPSE OF YOUR CHRISTMAS:
Marie from Normal Every Day Life! Marie made a terrific post about sibling rivalry and Christmas break. The title is “The Most Annoying Sound in the World” which can be either this:
OR the sound of cooped-up siblings yelling “STAHHHHP” at each other all day. Marie captured a YouTube of it and embedded it into her post. Do check it out when you get a chance! Congratulations, Marie! Here is your meme!
We hope you’ll join us in co-hosting Mommy Reality with us again! Our runner-up photo comes to us via Instagram from Sarah of Ruffles and Rainboots. Sarah took the time to put together an adorable mini play Christmas tree to distract her toddler from playing with the real one…
… Buuu–ut her toddler just didn’t care and ignored it in favor of the real deal, so Mom played with it instead. Thank you to all who entered this last challenge and a BIG thank you to our guest Co-host, Lysa of Welcome to my Circus.
Now it’s time for a new Mommy Reality Challenge and Co-host!
Welcome to our Co-Host!

Katy was the winner of the Replacing This Thorn In My Side Challenge with her Ultimate Mommy Christmas Wish List. Katy is hilarious and is one of our favorite bloggers! She embraces her imperfections and shares the good, the bad, and the funny moments of her motherhood adventure. If you haven’t checked her out before now, make sure you do! Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Instagram | Pinterest
Our NEW Mommy Reality Challenge Theme:

WELP! It’s about that time where we all become ridiculously optimistic about the new year and think we’re going to make radically wild and significant improvements upon ourselves, all the while reflecting about how absurd these notions probably are because we didn’t do squat about last year’s plans.
However, NOW is the time to make a difference because the Mommy Reality Team is now holding you accountable. For Mommy Reality 26’s challenge, Jen and Celeste are suggesting that you join us in giving up something bad for you for the start of the new year. It can be a habit, vice, a way of thinking, or a way of life. And if you falter, we will SWOOP IN and HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE because we are PERFECT!!!!!!!
Okay, just kidding. We’re not really perfect, except maybe at Photoshop. So, just a little background on how our challenges are selected- Jen and Celeste take turns writing the post and creating the winning meme from the last challenge. This time it’s Celeste’s turn to write the post, so she will be the first to share what she’s giving up. Boom. Okay, the “Monica” is in honor of her little sister who just got engaged, but she’s not quitting her. She’s going to make a strong effort to give up diet soda. …And make the switch to regular!!!! AWW, YEAH!! No, her soda habit is out of control, so she’s going to make a strong effort to up her water intake to 3 liters a day and cut out sodas period. So, what about you? Is there something in your life that needs to go? It’s your turn to share!
You have 2 weeks to complete this challenge!
You can share in a post or on your favorite social media outlet. (Make sure you tag #mommyreality and link up below) Don’t forget to grab our super-nifty button!
✔ *By submitting your pic, you are giving the Mommy Reality Team permission to use your photo to create a special silly meme for you if you win! :). If you win and you’re a blogger, you also have the to opportunity to be our co-host!
✔ **The Mommy Reality team and our special co-host are VERY diligent in pinning, posting, and sharing the link-up participation every week, so make sure to follow us on our social media channels so you won’t miss out!
We encourage you to visit a couple other Mommy Reality participants in the link-up and leave meaningful comments! The best part of this link-up is that we’re a community of real moms with a sense of humor about ourselves!