I am sure that Celeste is THRILLED we had so many participants in this week’s Mommy Reality challenge in order to avoid any further photos from Jen such as this little beauty…
Moving on, again…..
Thank you to all who participated in this week’s challenge. The concept behind the Mommy Reality challenges was to provide a way for all of us Moms to show that although we may perhaps have overly full junk drawers, dishes piled high in the sink and car trunks filled to overflowing with the detritus of a life well lived, we are not alone in all of this. There are other Moms out there who know and understand that not every moment of life is “Pin-worthy”.
Now to announce this week’s “Junk Drawer” Mommy Reality meme winner…….
Congratulations to Leilani of Just a Touch of Crazy! We were impressed with the fact that not only have you up-sized from just one single junk drawer to an entire basket, but then when Celeste pointed out that the contents of your basket held all of the makings for a robot we knew we had our winner! This basket truly epitomizes the Mommy Reality spirit of ingenuity and fun!
Here’s your meme, Leilani! And since you’re the challenge winner, you have the opportunity to be our co-host on next week’s post! We hope you and Emily join us!
Our runner up slot goes to Sarah of Ruffles and Rainboots. The entire Mommy Reality team has decided that our junk drawers would like to swap places with hers. Not to mention perhaps our children for the plethora of crafting goodies on display here!
Time for the next challenge!
(Visit the Mommy Reality tumblr page to see all of our previous memes!)
Meet the Mommy Reality Team!
Jen from JENerally Informed:
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Celeste from Leapfrog and Lipgloss:
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A few weeks ago we announced a change to our format! The winner of our Mommy Reality Challenge would get to join the Mommy Reality Team for the following week as our co-host! Since we had no takers last week we invited a Mommy Reality Superstar.
Debbie of Deb’s Random Writings has been with us since the beginning and we are so glad to have her along as this week’s co-host!
Debbie from Debs Random Writings!
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Just as a reminder Debbie won the “Mom Loungewear” challenge!
Debbie and her family live on the beautiful Greek Island of Zakynthos (Celeste and Jen are planning to visit some day). She loves to write and uses writing as a form of therapy when life gets a little crazy!
Our new mommy reality challenge theme for this week: What Lies Beneath….
Are you scared, well you should be!
Here is Jen’s perfectly normal almost boring looking couch.
But lift the couch cushions, well that is only if you dare, to see what really lies beneath!!!!
Terrifying!! Here on display are a plethora of crumbs, moldy and half eaten Goldfish and graham crackers, a stray pony, a marker, a quarter and a lone Craisin. Take note, that this is only the contents on one couch cushion…..
Now we want to know what lies hidden beneath your chairs and couch cushions! Only the stout of heart should participate :)
Don’t Forget! If you’re sharing your couch photos via social media, make sure to include the #mommyreality hashtag so we can find you and come back and link your picture up here so everyone can share in the goodness!
Don’t forget to grab our super-nifty button!
✔ *By submitting your pic, you are giving the Mommy Reality Team permission to use your photo to create a special silly meme for you if you win! :). If you win, you also have the to opportunity to be our co-host!
✔ **The Mommy Reality team and our special co-host are VERY diligent in pinning, posting, and sharing the link-up participation every week, so make sure to follow us on our social media channels so you won’t miss out!
We encourage you to visit a couple other Mommy Reality participants in the link-up and leave meaningful comments! The best part of this link-up is that we’re a community of real moms with a sense of humor about ourselves!