I am excited to be participating in my very first #AskAwayFriday and to be swapping Valentines Day themed questions with Tiffany of Mrs Tee Love Life Laughter!
#AskAwayFriday is a way to connect with other bloggers with a great Q & A session. It’s fun to learn about the people behind the blogs you love and for others to learn about you!
This being my first ever Ask Away Friday I was lucky enough to be paired up with Tiffany. She is an amazing blogger, YouTube guru, and the no-joke co-captain of “Team Haywood” (aka mother to 6)!
So here are the questions Mrs. Tee asked me:
1. What color says Valentines to you more: Red or Pink?
Hmm.. I would have to say both. There were years (notice the s) during my childhood where I wore anything and everything pink. My mother and I use to disagree on which color suited me best, resulting in moments like this….
2. Do you prefer flowers or candy?
Now all things being equal I would prefer donuts, because nothing says I love you in my world quite like gifting me a donut does.
3. Name your favorite Valentines Day memory?
Drawing a blank here, but I do remember getting serenaded outside my bedroom window by a high school crush. That was kind of sweet.
Not sure if this next memory would be my favorite, but it made a lasting impression. I was about 6 weeks pregnant with our first child and my husband had worked really hard to make a wonderful Valentines meal for us. I walked in the house and the smells of the food made me start gagging. I had to run to my bedroom and hide as he opened all of the doors and aired out the smell. He ate dinner alone. Nice, huh?
4. What is the most romantic movie you’ve watched and loved?
As a teenager it was Say Anything.
Perhaps that is why the boyfriend in question #3 chose to serenade me.
Now as an adult I cannot ever pass up watching an Affair to Remember. Cary Grant was just so dreamy.
3. What’s the dumbest romantic movie?
I have watched many dumb romantic movies, aka all of those Hallmark Christmas specials that I LOVE, but I might get in trouble for this one. I am not a Nicholas Sparks fan. I just really want love to triumph and NOT DIE!!
I think my husband is secretly glad about my Nicholas Sparks aversion, because well….
4. Do you exchange cards for Valentine’s?
If you are meaning as an adult do I give cards? No. I did however help 2 elementary aged children address over 50 Valentines. Does that count?
5. Homemade or store bought gifts?
It would depend on the gift and the giver I guess. I love homemade cards from my kids and those are perfect, but if the hubs slapped my name on two doilies and passed that to me I would probably be less than enthused.
6. Candy hearts…yay or nay?
Yes, just not this one.
7. How do you feel about classroom valentines? I dread them but still do them every year…lol
Dread, I try to make them as easy as possible. Like I buy the kind with candy already included and with minimal fuss when assembling, yet times 4 children addressing valentines gets intense. Luckily, the oldest graduated to Junior High where class Valentines are no longer needed. Whew!
8. I love your What Not To Buy List…
Thank you.
Any tips on how to avoid having my gift added to the list?
Oh no! What gift is this you received or will be giving? Please do not tell me you are purchasing this for anyone!
Thanks Tiffany this was really fun! Now that addressing those 50 Valentines with my children is done I am ready to celebrate the holiday. If you enjoyed reading this then make sure to check out the questions I asked Tiffany.
If you would like to participate and swap questions with me just let me know!
Stay Happy! Stay informed!
Feel free to visit the #AskAwayFriday hosts, grab a button, and join in the fun!
Tamara from Tamara Like Camera,
Tiffany from Mrs. Tee Love Life Laughter,
Christy from Uplifting Families,
Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings
Echo from The Mad Mommy