It was spring break this last week and as our luck generally goes, our family had muchisimo diseases festering; runny noses, coughs, ear infections, and pink eye. Kind of the works! So what can a mom trying to make things special do when things are less than ideal? She might bake. Or at least I do. :)
I wanted to pop on real quick and share these super easy-to-make peach empanadas that you can oven-bake or air fry. Your choice! Take a look at these beauties.
My family loves empanadas, but in general, we don’t get to the store early enough in the morning to grab our favorite flavors. You have to be fast!
So back in 2018, I concocted an easy way to make this delicious Mexican pastry using only 2 ingredients; your favorite ready-to-make pie crust in a box, and a can of pie filling. Brilliant right?!
Making them is super easy too. Here’s what I do:
Using a large-mouthed cup, or if you’re fancy, a large circular cookie cutter, press the cup into the ready-made dough to make a circular shape. Add your pie filling in the center, and then fold the two edges of the circle together. Finally, crimp the empanada closed with a fork.
Pop the crimped and closed empanadas in an oven or air fryer that is preheated to 350 degrees and cook for about 15 minutes. Voila, you’re done!
I love recipes like this, and I love sharing them with others so that they too can enjoy things that are simple and delicious.
You can see some of the other empanada flavors I have made before like; pumpkin, cherry, caramel apple, and strawberry!
Thanks for stopping by, and send us some good wishes for a little luck and for a healthier rest of March!
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