Why don’t we start this post out with a little personal admission? Hello. My name is Jen, and I am a addicted to Pinterest. Unfortunately, my crafting spaces tend to look like a tornado blew in and that not crafting, but chaos rules supreme. With that little admission out of the way, today’s Spectacular Summer Blog Hop post from Just Measuring Up is really speaking to me.
In case you haven’t heard about the Spectacular Summer Blog Hop, this summer I am collaborating with 10 other awesome bloggers to bring you loads of summer inspiration. We’re sharing DIY projects, printables, recipes, kids activities, and all-around fantastic inspiration twice a week all summer long!
So far we’ve been treated to so many fun and delicious posts and I am feeling mighty inspired this summer. I hope you are too. Earlier this week did you catch Leslie’s fantastic Bolivian Corn Cake Recipe?
I thought you would like to learn a few fun facts about Ash and Eileen:
What was your favorite food when you were a child?
When I was a child, my favorite food was shrimp casserole, which is funny because I don’t eat shrimp or gluten now. I loved that meal so much I would devour my first helping before everyone got to the table. And, I always got in trouble for eating before prayers.
What story does your family always tell about you?
My family always shares how I taught in the inner-city and was such a “beloved teacher” (their words). They would love the stories I would tell about the adventure that every day of teaching in the city encompassed.
Each of my co-hosts are answering different questions about Eileen and Ash today, so don’t forget to hop on over to the blogs listed below to learn more about this crafty mama!
Here are all of my 2017 Spectacular Summer Blog Hop Co-Hosts. I hope you have fun visiting them all!
Comments are closed here, but make sure you go over and visit Ash and Eileen!
Go ahead and share this post, you know you want to!