I have been using Young Living Essential Oils for over a decade now and love them! If you have never used essential oils before, then it’s seriously time you tried them. I use them for literally everything. My kids always laugh when I rub oils on the animals, but I totally do! You should see my counters and cabinets. They are full of oils! I diffuse my house with them, clean with my oils, use them for my skin and health products, and I also bake and cook with them! That’s right you can make some of the most amazing food with essential oils. Remember my KETO Key Lime Donuts? If not, take a look.
I didn’t waste any time squeezing those teeny, tiny little limes and instead went right to my oil pantry to get that delicious lime taste.
Whether you are new to essential oils or you already love them, here are 10 delicious recipes you too can create with essential oils. I promise you are going to love them!
Delicious Ginger and Citrus Chicken Marinade from the Turquoise Home.
{Healthier} Iced Lemon Pound Cake from the Better Half.
Sweetened Fresh Strawberries with Lime Essential Oil and Fresh Basil Recipe from Mama Loves Her Oils.
Key Lime Thumbprint Cookies from Unskinny Bop.
Simple Guacamole Recipe from Healthy Family Matters.
Roasted Chicken with Lemon and Thyme from Making Lemonade.
Blueberry Lemon Pancakes from Kiss The Kitchen.
Deliciously Easy Orange Creamsicle Fruit Dip Made With Essential Oils from Me!
Healthy Homemade Hummus from 4Tunate.
I hope you enjoyed this cornucopia of oily goodness, and have some new ideas for cooking with those essential oils. If you would like to learn more about oils please leave me a comment and I will do my best to help!
If you like this round-up, then you might also like some of my other posts about using essential oils or follow my cooking with essential oils Pinterest board!
Thanks for stopping in and have a great one!