During the summer I came across a recipe for Fairy Mud that intrigued me. I had planned on trying this out with my children, but never got around to it. In November our family spent a lot of time indoors as we recuperated from various illnesses, so I thought we would try making the mud.
Putting my own spin on it I turned it into Christmas Glitter Dough!
Glitter Dough Ingredients:
2 rolls of toilet paper
1 1/2 bars of Ivory soap
2 cups warm water
Red food coloring
Some fancy glitter
First, you need to unroll the toilet paper from the tubes. My kids had a ball with this as evidenced in this picture!
Put the toilet paper in a large bin or container and set aside.
Next, grate the soap. This is a pretty easy job even for little hands.
Then add the warm, colored water to the grated soap and mush it all up until it’s completely mixed together. *Note- I used quite a bit of red food coloring.
This next step is where the magic happens! My kids could not believe how the toilet paper was transformed into dough.
Pour the soapy, colored water on top of the toilet paper and mush and hand mix it all together until you are happy with the consistency of your dough.
The final step is to add the glitter and mix it all in.
Voila you have Glitter dough!
For a little extra fun for playing with the dough, I added sugar cookie molds and some jingle bells I had sitting around. I know something is a hit when it gets played with more than once. The glitter dough has received that particular nod of approval.
Funny side story about the glitter dough, last night a visitor to our house thinking this was cookie dough tried to sneak a nibble! For being made out of soap and toilet paper it actually does really look like cookie dough!
Happy Holidays
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