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Easy To Make Spring Rag Wreath

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

I have always wanted to make a rag wreath. They are super cute and there is something cathartic sounding about taking old pieces of fabric you weren’t using and turning them into something new and pretty. In fact, my 7-year-old daughter was so on-board with this project that she helped from start to finish! Hopefully, that tells you how easy …

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FREE St. Patrick’s Day Look & Find

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

This week my 7-year-old daughter asked me to tell her some leprechaun and St. Patrick’s Day jokes. Um, hold on a minute, because I realized I actually didn’t know any! So I hit the WWW and found these gems that I really just need to share with you in case your 7-year-old decides to ask you for some jokes too. …

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The Most Amazing KETO Clam Chowder Ever

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

After the Holidays, both my husband and I have gone back on KETO for a little bit to help get rid of some of the bad “juju’ in our systems that was there from all of the amazingly decadent food we have eaten. You know what I am talking about, right? Those pies, cookies, tamales, and more just kind of …

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FREE Valentine’s Day Printable Cards

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

Last week my 7-year-old daughter’s teacher sent home a little note saying that due to the school’s mitigation plan for COVID, there would be no passing out of Valentine’s cards this year.  I totally get it, and my daughter knows this is best, but she’s still bummed.  Dumb and terrible COVID. One good thing that has come from COVID is …

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Super Easy Valentine’s Day Pillow

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

This post contains affiliate links. On a recent shopping trip to my favorite Tar-Jay, I saw these adorable little Valentine’s Day pillows. I almost plonked a few in my cart, but then noticed they were like 20 plus bucks each! Since I am thrifty, more like cheap, I looked the pillows over and thought to myself I could make something …

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Easy Peanut Butter and Banana Smoothie

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

Mornings are pretty busy around here for my people. There are some of us that actually go out to school and others that still have to be logged on and ready for classes very early each morning. It all makes for a lot of noise and commotion when you have a large family like mine. One of my favorite go-to …

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Three FREE Holiday 2020 Printables

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

Everybody likes something free, right?! How about something pretty that is also free?! Today I am happy to share three new JENerally Informed printables with all of you that you can use for pretty much anything this holiday season! Print them up and put them in a frame for at-home decorating, give as a gift, print up to include in …

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Grinch-Lemon Donuts

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

*This post contains affiliate links. By clicking and purchasing from these links I make a small commission. Thank you! My 7-year-old daughter is addicted to the Netflix show Nailed It. It is her happy place to sit coloring and crafting and watch other people try to cook, and mostly fail. With her new addiction has also come a renewed interest …

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Easy DIY Holiday “Pot”-Pourri

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

Having your home smell nice for the holidays is one of those things we all want right? Sometimes with dogs, partners, other family members, and kids running amok that might get a little difficult. But what if I told you that I had a recipe for the easiest to make “Pot-Pourri” ever that can make your house smell like Christmas …

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Pumpkin Spice Iced Sugar Cookie Bars

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

There are two absolutes in the JENerally Informed world. The first absolute is that doughnuts/donuts in all of their varieties can and will be found here on JENerally Informed. The other absolute is that pumpkin recipes will also be found here. I know some people have a love-hate relationship with pumpkin-flavored items, but today I am sharing a recipe that …

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Free Fall Printables

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

I love Fall. Especially this year. I am looking forward to this upcoming season, after the nervousness of Halloween, and when the screaming from the election finally stops. I am hoping we can usher in a season of calm, one that we all need. So until this next week is over, how about you grab one or both of these …

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Easy Monster Hair Clips

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

This post contains affiliate links. By clicking and purchasing from these links I receive a small commission. My youngest daughter wears a uniform to school. Since you can’t really go full-holiday in a uniform, she likes to wear themed socks and hair things to school. Unfortunately, she does not like headbands, which are the easiest thing to find. She says …

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Air Fryer Mini Caramel Apple Empanadas

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

Fall has always been one of my favorite seasons. This season ushers in cooler weather in my Southern Arizona home and for me, always seems to instill a feeling of the possibility for new opportunities that may be just around the corner. This year I am ready for those hoped-for opportunities and, especially for the food that is quintessentially Fall. …