FREE Valentine’s Day Printable Cards

In Cooking & Crafting by Jen

Last week my 7-year-old daughter’s teacher sent home a little note saying that due to the school’s mitigation plan for COVID, there would be no passing out of Valentine’s cards this year.  I totally get it, and my daughter knows this is best, but she’s still bummed.  Dumb and terrible COVID.

One good thing that has come from COVID is that as a family we have had to figure out how to do Holiday celebrations with just our immediate family, and actually, it has been really great! We have discovered and planned ways to make our Holidays fun and meaningful for just my immediate crew. This year for Valentine’s Day I have decided to card-attack my children. And for just that purpose, I have created 3 brand new JENerally informed printable cards. Take a look!

We’ve got unicorns, donuts, and hearts.  All of the important Valentine’s bases are covered, right?!

Grab these 3 free printable Valentine's Day cards to help make the day special! #Valentines #printables


Grab these 3 free printable Valentine's Day cards to help make the day special! #Valentines #printables

Grab these 3 free printable Valentine's Day cards to help make the day special! #Valentines #printables

You can grab each of these printable Valentine’s Day cards by clicking and printing from the links below:

Each printable page has 2 copies per page, so grab some cardstock and go to town!

Magical Unicorn Card

Be Mine Card

Donut Card

Grab these 3 free printable Valentine's Day cards to help make the day special! #Valentines #printables



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