It is one of my favorite times of the year, peach season! This summer when I brought home my first bag of those on-sale beauties, my children took one bite and were like, “Wow we had forgotten how good these are!” Plus peaches are so very easy to cook with and I have used them in a ton of recipes. …
FREE I Spy Printable
It’s almost that time for many families…. Back to School! This year feels a whole lot more normal than last year, and so I am actually looking forward to my kids starting AT school. We have been gathering supplies, clothes, shoes, and most importantly, getting their hairs all pretty. Last year I just made sure space was cleaned off of …
DIY Soap Made With Essential Oils
The post contains affiliate links! Thank you for supporting JENerally Informed! I have a little girl that lives for crafting. If you could see my house right now, you would see scraps of papers here and there where she is in the middle of some grand masterpiece. I try to clean up the papers and crafting detritus (because it drives …
Easy to Make Mermaid Float
This post contains affiliate links. Thank you for supporting JENerally Informed! We are in the thick of summer and it’s so very hot here in Southern Arizona! Yesterday was 110 degrees in the shade and when it’s like that, my family goes looking for ANY way to cool down. Usually, this means that at least once daily we are either …
4th of July Printable
We are halfway through June and that means it is almost time for my favorite holiday…. the 4th of July! It’s time for backyard pool parties and BBQs, fireworks, and all things Americana! This year is especially fun since we might have more of a chance to have normal and less covid-restricted celebrations. Hooray! Are you ready to party? If …
Easy To Make 4th of July Rag Wreath
This post contains affiliate links. Clicking on and purchasing from these links supports everything I do here at JENerally Informed. Thank you! Do you guys remember back in Spring when I solidified my love for all things rag wreath by making this adorable Spring-inspired rag wreath? Isn’t it the cutest?! I had never made one before, but even though …
Easy DIY Superhero Shirt
The end of the school year always brings a flurry of activities and themed spirit-wear days. This week we discovered as we were going through our old dress-up collection many of the superhero-themed dresses we used to have no longer fit my 8-year-old daughter. This was going to be “no-bueno” since the next day’s theme was to dress up as …
Easy Fluffy Key Lime Pie
I love key lime anything. If there is an option in that flavor you can bet I am going to select it! But here’s the thing, have you ever worked with key limes? They are small and a lot of work! Because of this, key lime can be tough. That is unless you find super cheats around how to make …
FREE Mother’s Day Printable Cards
Guys, how is it May already, and how is Mother’s Day just next week?! Geesh, time is really flying this year! This week as I hurriedly tried to prep for Mother’s Day, I made up some printable cards for all of the amazing women at church, and of course, I know some pretty amazing women over here on my blog …
Healthy Orange Julius Copycat Recipe
My husband and I have really made a concerted effort over the last 6 months to be thoughtful and intentional with our food. This has included making sure we offer healthy and delicious meals and snacks to and for our family. Don’t get me wrong, donuts still happen. We are just trying to teach through example that our children have …
Super Easy Unicorn & Rainbow Hair Accessories
School mornings around here are crazy, and so being able to get ready in a minimal amount of time is of utmost importance. That means we need ready-to-go quick accessories that we can plop right on after a quick brush and then head out the door. Although sometimes the brush and said hair accouterments might still be in my hand …
Spring Printable Bundle
What a difference a year makes right? A year ago the world was a very different place. Spring is one of my favorite seasons, but last Spring…. not so much. It’s a new year now and this Spring holds so much promise. I am excited! So why not celebrate the season with some brand new Spring printables! Put them in …
Oven Baked Lemon & Fig Chicken Tagine
Have you guys ever eaten something that has been cooked in your house and you can’t believe how amazingly good it is? Like restaurant- quality good? That happened here a few months ago. My husband has picked up a lot of the cooking around here now that he and I are back on KETO. He is on it because he …
Lucky Green Pistachio Quick Shake
Happy March everybody! I hope this month has been a good one so far. On Monday I am getting my 2nd COVID vaccine shot since I am in education. I hear there are some side effects with the 2nd one sometimes, so fingers crossed here :) Do you all remember my recipe for a Red Velvet Quick Shake? It is …