School mornings around here are crazy, and so being able to get ready in a minimal amount of time is of utmost importance. That means we need ready-to-go quick accessories that we can plop right on after a quick brush and then head out the door. Although sometimes the brush and said hair accouterments might still be in my hand as we are walking out the door…
Me and everybody else, right???
This week my 8-year old daughter said we did not have any unicorn or rainbow hair accessories and darn, she was right. We all need more unicorns and rainbows, and so here is a super cute idea for a way easy-to-make hair accessory that anyone can pull together. Take a look!
You can pretty much get all of the materials you need at your local Dollar Store and if you need the cute little unicorn and rainbow stickers you can get them Here.
Materials Needed:
silver hair clips
glue gun
unicorn and rainbow stickers.
To make these clips, just glue on those stickers. There is a little trick though make sure to apply glue to only one side of the hair clip. Place the sticker on the glue side. Don’t remove that back of the sticker or that will be ouchie for hair. Keep the clip open in-between your thumbs while the glue dries so you don’t glue the clip together.
For the headbands, I let my 8-year-old arrange and then I glued her masterpiece!
Now we are all “rainbowed”, and “unicorned” up… and it only took like 15 minutes. Winning!
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