On Tuesday my littlest Princess Anneliese turned 4! This kid of mine is something else I tell ya! Her arrival into our family came with a bang and continues to bring the fireworks each and every day. I love this girl, and so today I invite you to join in the celebration of my newly minted preschooler with a fun little Q & A session with the birthday girl herself!
Mom// What is your favorite color?
Anneliese// Blue.
Mom// What is your favorite food?
Anneliese// French fries, white ice cream, and doughnuts with pink and white frosting!
Mom Side Story: Occasionally she DOES eat vegetables, but we will get there shortly. Anyways, on her birthday she completely entranced the ladies at the doughnut store so much that they offered to write her name on her pink doughnut. I don’t think this is a regular service. All I know is that if I had those skills…I would rule the world! Just kidding. Kind of.
She was pretty excited about that doughnut!
Mom// What is your favorite movie?
Anneliese// Moana! (As she proceeds to belt out the theme song from the movie….)
Another Little Mom Side Note: This year she discovered Daniel Tiger and wanted me to make her a tiger cake, but do you all remember the Dino Rice Krispie debacle? So yeah, luckily, she compromised on a pink cake. As long as it had Skittles on top. A lot of Skittles. This is what it looks like when a 4 year old wants to decorate her own cake. Pin this picture Baby!
Mom// Who is your favorite Princess?
Anneliese// Arrrieeahl (Ariel)
Mom// Who do you love?
Anneliese// All my family, but I really love Eddie (our new dog.) He protects us by keeping the monsters away. That’s really good!
Mom// What is your favorite thing to do?
Anneliese// Jump on the trampoline with Bub-Bub (her brother Caleb.)
Mom// What don’t you like to do?
Anneliese// Be away from my family. Eat vegetables without ranch dressing.
Mom// What did you wish for this year when you blew out your candles?
Anneliese// Bekah (her sister) said I can’t tell or it won’t come true, but it was good.
Mom// I bet it was. Happy Birthday sweet girl.
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