Five Things You Need To Do RIGHT Now In Order To Be More Happy

In Blogging, Motherhood, Parenting by Jen

Happiness seems to be kind of a buzzword nowadays and I am a fan, because in general I am a happy person. It’s not that my life is perfect, it really isn’t. It is just that when given a choice I like happiness with my bowl full of Cheerios thank you very much, because misery really is pretty terrible company. There seems to be a lot of discussion that circles around the whole idea of being happy and how to find and keep that “elusive” happiness. I am no happiness expert, but I do know that there are some definite ways we can sabotage and nix our own happiness. So here are five things you need to do RIGHT Now in order to be more happy.

You can bring more happiness into your life by following these 5 simple suggestions.

1. Drop The Electronic Devices And Opt instead For Real Interactions With Real People.

I am a master texter. In fact that is the way I most commonly communicate with people, but that being said, texting is a poor substitute for actually spending time with people who make you happy. I am all for saving the texts for those people who you would prefer to not have to spend time with, but try not to let it replace actual face time with those people whom you hold most dear. Being with them will make you happy and also give you more texting fodder for the times in between.

2.  Stop Trying To Do It All.

I have dedicated a lot of writing time to this particular malady and yet I can tell you that there are so many of us who still try to do this. You absolutely do NOT have to try to “have OR do it all” in order to be a good person. You already are one. It also is important to tell people the big N.O. when your plate is full and you know that one more responsibility is not something you can handle right now. I am all about the helping here at JENerally Informed so how about we practice saying no together right now. Go ahead and loudly and emphatically tell the computer screen the following words, “No that is not something I am able to do right now.” Repeat if necessary.

See that wasn’t so hard and I know it will become easier to say no to real people now that you have practiced.

3. Stop Caring About What People Think About You.

I remember talking to a therapist friend who once told me that in general most people are thinking about themselves rather than analyzing every little thing you think they are analyzing about you. It was kind of an AHA moment for me, because personally I live pretty deeply in my own head and I know I am not sitting around and analyzing other people all day long. Sure there are those jerks who do that, and so if you haven’t shown those kind of people the door then make sure you do just that as soon as possible. If they are bosses and such who cannot be shown the door until you win the lottery…. your confidence in yourself will do wonders for cutting down on caring what they or anyone else thinks about you when you know that you are doing your best.

4. Do Not Underestimate The Power Of Doughnuts.

I am a bonafide doughnut connoisseur. I wish there were a career path for that, but so far nothing has opened itself up to me as of yet.  There is however something magical that happens when a doughnut meets my mouth at the end of a long and trying day. It is hard to explain….

Anyways, if doughnuts aren’t your thing (I think we can still be friends) then make sure to occasionally treat yourself with what is your thing. Is it a Slurpee, candy bar, piece of pie, sushi or a chocolate bar? Whatever it is I believe that a little reward now and then is a sure fire way to bring more happy into anyone’s life!

Go ahead and try it, just make sure to save a bite for me! Nah just joking. Maybe….

5. Never Forget To Laugh

I remember one night many years ago when all 4 of my children unexpectedly began throwing up within seconds of each other. It was horrible. Terrible. There was throw up everywhere and my husband and I stood motionless in the middle of the carnage for a second just looking at one another. That single look of horror on his face was all it took for me to burst out laughing. It was hilarious. Here was the suave and cool dude I had fallen in love with and married more than a decade before and he was now standing in our living room holding a baby in one arm and a preschooler in the other and he was covered in throw up. There was no one else I would rather be with in a moment like that than him. So I laughed. He laughed and we kept giggling even as we cleaned everyone and everything up.

Sure I believe there is a time to laugh, a time to cry and all of that. It is just that laughter fills your soul in a way that crying never will.

And now for some exciting news!

Because I am a firm believer in the power of happy today I am excited to announce the Happy Now Blog Link-Up that will be hosted right here on JENerally Informed!

Every Tuesday come share, read and enjoy all of the Happy Now!

This link up will open up on Tuesday mornings and it will be THE place to share all the things that are making you “Happy Now!” Is it a favorite recipe that you just shared, a post about babies, fashion, family, fun and more? If it is something that will make people happy? Then this is the place to share it!

Each Tuesday the top read blog post AND my favorite post from the past link-up will get a “Happy Now Shout Out” here on JENerally Informed as well as across all of my social media channels. Fun, right!

Plus your joining in will spread more happiness and in my book, that is winning all around. I hope you will join me next Tuesday March 29th for the first Happy Now Link Up!

Stay Happy! Stay Informed!



Go ahead and share this post, you know you want to!
