Last night on a late-night walk with my 12-year-old daughter she brought up our recent at-home, immediate family 4th of July celebrations. She told me that she has really fond memories of our celebration and how we spent the day. Keep in mind, we didn’t do anything I felt was overly grandiose, but we focused our energy on creating memories where we could. Luckily, I guess it worked.
This year for some of us, Halloween may look much the same, and I am excited to be able to hopefully create new and special memories. If you are feeling a little trepidation about this upcoming holiday as well, don’t worry. We all are. To help remove some of the “scary” today I am sharing some of the easy ideas that I have been thinking about in the hopes that you might find something you could use for your own small-family celebrations.
Make “Hallo-weeny” Treats
We are going to go back to JENerally Informed old school and share these awesome treats I made a long time ago when I first started blogging. These Halloween inspired treats are so easy to make, and won’t have you spending the whole night in the kitchen.
On Halloween night why not whip up some fun and easy treats like these:
How about some Who”s Your Mummy Snack Crackers.
Or these not-so-spooky Jack-O’- Lantern Pudding Cups.
Try your hand at these easy to make Monster Eyeball Cookies.
Or finally, these Monster Rice Krispie Treats.
Make Trick Or Treating Special At Home
Personally going from door to door can get a lot old with kids, so this year I am looking forward to some new ways to deliver the candy (and hopefully fun) to my children.
Here are a few ideas I have for making trick or treating fun at-home:
Make finding the candy into a scavenger hunt; complete with clues and even maps. You can have your family racing from room to room, and even the yard to find that coveted witches cauldron full of candy at the end.
Turn all of the lights out and search for the candy with flashlights, glow bracelet lights, and necklaces.
Play easy games to win the candy. Games like duck, duck goose, musical chairs, Simon Says, and more!
Not-So-Spooky Activities
Play stomp the balloon. Get some orange, black or purple balloons and let the children both blow-up and stomp them out. The key is having them help you to blow them up, so that it’s not just 5 seconds of fun for them:)
Make these cute and easy Halloween Washer Necklaces. I picked up the nail polish and ribbon at the Dollar Store and the washers for less than a buck at my local hardware store. Making this whole project was less than 5 dollars.
Now that toilet paper is in stock again, playing games like wrap the mummy might feel a little bit extravagant, and so maybe instead this year you try instead tossing a glow necklace onto the stem of a pumpkin. Or even do a little mini pumpkin patch picking in your own backyard, where each child can pick their own pumpkin to decorate.
Or lastly, maybe you can try doing a Halloween I Spy together.
Hopefully, you have found a few fun ideas that seem doable for your own at-home Halloween celebrations. Happy spooking and thanks for stopping in!
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