This is a sponsored post on behalf of Luvs. All opinions are mine alone.
When I was a growing up, a favorite saying of my mom’s was “Tell me what you love, and I will tell you who you are.” I didn’t understand the meaning behind it until I got older. Now as an adult there is a lot that I love, and truthfully it is that love that motivates me every day.
If I look at the things I love, another saying comes to mind (see how we turn into our mothers.) The saying I am thinking of is, “Love makes the world go round.” Love is such a powerful force for good in this world and through love I have seen some pretty amazing things happen. This past weekend, thanks to a little help from Luvs diapers, I was lucky enough to be able to gather a few of my amazing mom friends and talk about the things we love.
One of my friends laughingly shared with all of us that she had tried to put on makeup for our party only to turn around and find that her 2 youngest children had gotten into the cotton swabs while she was doing so, and they had spread them all around the bathroom floor. Mom friends, you can relate right? Anyways, aren’t we cute?
Quick question for you, but right now if I asked you to name something you loved, what would be on the top of your list?
I asked my friends to write down what they loved and share it with me.
Here are some of the things my friends said they loved.
Ah sleep, how love thee. I wonder what I would be able to accomplish with an entire week of uninterrupted sleep?
Yay, for girl’s nights! I need more of them in my life, and doughnuts, but that is another story altogether.
Yes to this! Now only if Southern Arizona actually had a Fall season. We do Spring and Summer really well…
Fortunately though, we do have some absolutely amazing sunsets here.
So back to more of my #WhatULuv party. You know how much I love printables and so, I just had to have one.
It turned out so cute!
One thing all of the moms at my#WhatULuv party agreed on is that we really loved Luvs. Seriously. While we were sitting and chatting at the party, we realized that altogether we were the moms to 22 children! Luvs is the official diaper of experienced parents. So not that we are experts, but I think that my friends and I are definitely in the experienced category of parents. We kind of get kids and babies.
And Luvs has got you covered from the time your baby is a newborn until size 6, and has a contoured shape that hugs your baby for a great fit and a super soft cottony material – softer than ever before. With large stretch tabs for easy fastening. I appreciate all of this as a mother.
Luvs also makes life easier for busy Moms like my friends and I by helping to keep leaks in the diaper where they belong, even over night. New Luvs Ultra Leakguards with NightLock Plus™ provides the high-quality features babies and parents need for less cost than the premium brands. Who doesn’t like to save on a quality product right?
If you haven’t heard about the Luvs Money Back Guarantee, here it is, “We feel so strongly about our diapers that we’ve guaranteed them! If you aren’t satisfied with the leakage protection of Luvs, we’ll refund your money. See our website,, for details” Awesome right?!
At the end of the party I was excited to send my friends home with some Luvs fun!
Anneliese “helped” put the gift bags together…. Gosh I love this kid!
So if you haven’t tried Luvs diapers before, I hope you do now. Because when you as a parent choose Luvs, you get outstanding superior overnight protection that locks away wetness. Plus you save money and give your baby the protection they need at the low price we as parents are looking for.
Thanks so much for stopping in!
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