Several years ago I was a youngish newlywed that was far from home during the holidays. This meant that I was the one responsible for concocting and cooking the meal our family and a few of our friends would enjoy that year. I wasn’t a rookie in the kitchen. For years I had helped my mother to put on our large extended family Holiday meals, but I had never been the one responsible for the whole thing! It was a daunting task.
So that year I researched, prepared, and honed whatever skills I possessed in order to up my game and try to become the top chef that I hoped was waiting to bloom inside of me. Now that we have Pinterest and the internet, it is a whole lot easier to do said research, more so than when I was a newlywed, but you still have to have some serious Google chops to find the best of the best resources and links. So here today I would like to share with you some of the best ways I have found to prepare, stuff, cook, and even carve a turkey!
Newlyweds and first-time turkey cookers, no need to thank me. I am just hoping to save you from the same pain I endured during my learning process.
Have a turkey question? Here’s your answer!
- What size bird do you need to buy to feed your family? The old age question answered with brilliant simplicity.
- How to thaw a turkey. Many a Holiday meal has been destroyed by underestimating the time it will take to thaw your bird. Don’t fall prey to this.
- How long does it take to cook a turkey? BuzzFeed can answer that question.
- How to stuff a turkey. Over-stuffing can be bad. Learn how to do it like a pro!
- How to roast a turkey. This one is for beginners with detailed instructions and pictures.
- Roast your turkey in a bag. This is how I do it and I say a prayer of thanks to Reynolds each year for their amazing product!
- Crockpot turkey. This is genius.
- How to grill a turkey. I have always wanted to try this.
- Finally, cook a turkey like a boss. Just in case you need one last shot of confidence.
- How to carve a turkey. I don’t know about you, but learning how to carve a turkey properly takes some serious skill! Jen’s Guy can carve a turkey like a pro and is much sought after for these specific skills during the Holidays.
Gobble, Gobble, and good luck to you this Holiday season!
May all your dreams for turkey perfection come true.