Usually when I visit a new place and drive by all of the houses and places people work, I wonder what their lives are like? I wonder what it would be like to wake up in that place every day, go to work, school and to just go through the process of living? I am sure we have all done that. Driven by a certain house, perhaps the house that looks like it comes from a fairy tale and wondered about the people who live inside.
Or maybe we see these people all of the time and think their life is like a fairy tale. A fairy tale that we would rather live than our current life.
Kind of a pipe dream right, because even though we may think we know what someone’s life is like, we really don’t. We never do, because most of everyone’s life is full of unseen emotions, rippling right below the surface as well as a whole slew of interior dialogues that take place every day. No one ever sees any of that and because of that, I think kindness should pretty much be our go-to reaction.
Last week I shared a little about our recent family vacation. Today I am sharing a little more.
I have always loved the poem by Robert Frost, “The Road Not Taken.” Throughout my life, I know I have been on that road a few times. You know the one less worn “down by travel”, but “equally as fair.”
What Mr. Frost doesn’t share, but does allude to in his poem is that because that road is less traveled, it can be awfully lonely. Even though we know it is the right road for us to be on. And sometimes when we are on that road less taken and feeling alone, if we hold the course, there can be moments so full of magic that it takes our breath away.
And also, if we are lucky, those moments can add magic upon magic.
Like the appearance of this little guy where no one expected to see him, because unless you were looking out and ahead, you would have missed him.
This girl saw him though and excitedly pointed him out to all the rest of her family.
Because sharing is always better.
I have had those dreams, like I am sure everyone does, where you are back in High School or that rather than being married to your current spouse, you are are married to someone else. I always wake up from those dreams grateful that I am where I am right in this moment. I guess that is the real test for the road we are on.
Because even though large portions of my life may feel mostly like a crazy carousel ride….
I have much to be grateful for.
Next post: Conquering the ocean and dolphin dreams. So stay tuned!
In case you were wondering where all of these shots were taken, it was on a visit to the Cabrillo National Monument & Point Loma Lighthouse.
Thanks for stopping in and as always, hugs.
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