We used to have our family pictures taken every year, and then for 2 years we didn’t! I blame it on the whole accidentally turning my hair red bit, and then the black goth hair that followed in an attempt to eradicate the red. Because that wasn’t too photo worthy either….
Or maybe it was the fact that our usual family photographer went further into the wedding business, and we never found anyone we liked quite as well as her. That is until I met Mandy in a FB discussion group for the Chick-Fil-A mom panel we were both a part of. She and I discovered we were practically neighbors. Additionally, I discovered she was a fantastic photographer who loved tacos. It was like kismet. We met one sunny March day in a park, and she didn’t run away when she met my whole crazy crew. Instead she took some amazingly beautiful photos of that crew.
So are you ready for a photo bomb? Because it’s a coming!
The people in these pictures make me so happy, and I’m even happier that we found Mandy.
Also happy is the fact that I do not have red or goth black hair in ANY of these pictures! It’s the little things, right?!
So my Tucson peeps who are looking for a photographer, make sure to check her out!