A few weeks ago my friend Beth of Our Pretty Little Girls announced an Ornament swap exchange. I thought it would be fun to participate in something like this with a fellow blogger, but I have to admit to being a little maybe a LOT stressed about my contribution! I have never done something like this before. Especially with someone I had only met in the online world, so I hit about a dozen or more stores trying to find one that I thought was perfect. Hopefully my swap buddy Marlaina of The Pfisters enjoyed it!
So now without further delay, here is what my swap buddy sent me!
Pretty cute huh?! My oldest daughter is a bona fide Reese’s junkie. It might be my fault she’s this way, but anyways, when she came home and saw the ornament on the tree she asked me why we were hanging candy on our tree instead of eating it! Thanks Marlaina, I think you scored a real win here!
Speaking of decking the halls and all of that, I thought you all might like to know that Jen’s Guy survived putting up our Christmas lights this year. I have to tell you that if I had to get up that high on the roof there would be no lights on our house now or ever! Thanks Jen’s Guy!
My oldest daughter stood underneath the ladder and watched her Dad with the cellphone on the ready, you know to call 911 just in case…. Luckily it never got to that point, but while she was there chilling I snapped this quick picture of her. Is she not the cutest?!
Now onto the biggest news of the Holiday season for our little JENerally Informed family! Anneliese my 3 year old daughter has not been very enamored with the whole idea of getting real up close and personal with Santa. Last year when I asked her if she wanted to go up and actually talk to him at the mall she ran away! I didn’t push it, because well no one needs a face full of this when they aren’t ready…
This year however she was ready to meet Santa and so off we went! Judging by the smile on this girl’s face I think things went pretty well. She was actually rendered speechless on this her first meeting with the BIG guy, because when he asked her what she wanted for Christmas, she couldn’t think of a single thing to say!
Luckily, Anneliese’s older sister Rebekah was willing to help remind her little sister of a few things she might like to receive this year!
Oh, and just in case you missed my recipe for Oatmeal and Double Chocolate Chip Cookies I shared last week, you can see it here!
Alright, I think that’s all for now, but stay tuned, because I have some fab things coming to the blog in the coming days!
Happy Holidays Everybody!
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