Since becoming a mother there have been several things I have had to realize I have no control over. This is a hard cold truth for an organizational over achiever like myself. For example, I learned early on that one does not ever really control a toddler, you think you do, but they are just toying you into complacency.
I have also realized that I do not control the contents of my kitchen sink. Over the years I have tremulously approached my sink to find contents both foreign and known floating in it’s murky waters. Once I even found a live fish in the sink placed there lovingly by my preschooler who said her fish needed more room to roam. He did seem to be enjoying himself as he swam happily in out of my dishes and utensils.
Now I need you to promise me that before you take a look at the contents of my kitchen sink that you will share too. This is important. Make sure you back a sister up!
Ok, here we go….
You might find this in my sink:
Yes, please notice the yellow muck all over the faucet and the broken soap dispenser. Also the pump dispenser to the side is empty and yet it sits there forlornly unused.
There is also the epic battles that my husband has with the garbage disposal. He is inches away from displaying a list of rules in bold print of what can and CANNOT be put in the garbage disposal. Evidently, if I persist with the potato peels, I’ll be in strict violation. The children would not even bother to read the list before dumping……..
You might also find this in my sink:
Interestingly both the dishes and the baby were in at the same time, just on different sides. Oh and there was a floating object in the sink after she left that I am pretty sure was not a candy bar.
So now that you have gotten to see the truth of what really hangs out in my sink, here’s where you can share what’s in yours :)
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