Last week, we announced that there would be some changes to the Mommy Reality Challenge. We are sad to be losing a member of our Mommy Reality team, but Carolyn from A Lavender Life has made the decision to step away from her role as a Mommy Reality host. We will miss you, Carolyn!
We also announced that the winner of the Food Face Fotos challenge this week would not only get a special silly meme, but would ALSO have the opportunity to co-host the following week’s challenge along side of us!
There were so many cute food face photos submitted this week and, besides making us hungry, your pictures made us happy. We loved seeing your babies munching and crunching their food with such enthusiastic gusto! As usual, it was very hard to pick a winner, but there was one that was just screaming, “Make me into a meme!”.
So without further delay, the winner of this week’s Food Face Foto is …….
Farrah, The Reflective Mama for her picture submitted via Instagram. Here’s your meme and hopefully you will be joining us as next week’s Mommy Reality Guest Host!
Our second runner up comes from Lysa of Welcome to my Circus for the picture she submitted of her 14 year old daughter putting on her “best” tortilla face. If you haven’t read her post explaining how all this all went down, you should. Poor Lysa was sick and woke up to this face, yup #mommyreality….
When we first created the Mommy Reality Challenge, we were hoping that we would be able to find at least a few moms not afraid to share what really happens in their lives. As the weeks have progressed and the challenges have continued, what we have seen is that together we have created a community of moms who support one another on this most difficult and important journey of motherhood. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.
Now it’s time for a NEW Mommy Reality Challenge!
This week’s Mommy Reality Challenge was actually a dual inspired one. Jen had been going through her purse at the swimming pool and found some fairly horrifying items inside of it and she thought to herself, “Am I the only one who has crap like this in my purse?”.
Later her dear friend Rebecca of DIZMOMMY commented the following on Jen’s site, ” Did you already do a week of what’s in your purse? Because I have goldfish and a toy car in mine right this second and I thought it would make a good challenge. There’s been a purse takeover!”
Well, no we have not done this challenge yet….. evoking an epiphany for Jen. Moms, not only have our lives been taken over, but we think our purses might have been taken over as well!! It’s time we bring to light what lurks in the dark murky depths of our purses.
So, to kick off this challenge here is a picture of the inside of Jen’s purse. Note that you cannot even see your way through to the bottom of her purse. Not to mention that this thing alone weighs as much as a baby elephant!
Now, it’s your turn. We want to see how your purse has been invaded. Have your children invaded it or are there too many coupons and fliers that block access to your wallet? See, this challenge is really all about being helpful, because now we will be able to face that dreaded chore of cleaning out our purses together! Just make sure to snap a before picture and submit it in this week’s link-up!
So snap that pic, make a post on your site and/or share your picture on a social media site with the hashtag #mommyreality.
*Don’t forget that by submitting your pic, you are giving the Mommy Reality Team permission to use your photo to create a special silly meme for you if you win!
**The Mommy Reality Hosts are VERY active on social media and in participating your post/photo will be pinned, posted, linked and shared on all of our social media accounts. So make sure to follow us so we can find your #mommyreality posts:
(Please don’t link and run! Everyone will benefit the most by participating in the challenge, visiting a few other blogs, and leaving meaningful comments!)
Blogs (Jen/Celeste)
Don’t forget to grab our new sparkly button and let any other mom’s you know about this challenge and community of moms.
New! Enter Your Social Media Links For The Rest Of The Mommy Reality Community to follow.