Well, lookie what has happened here! We’ve reached TEN whole weeks of this Mommy Reality Challenge thing!
We thought this called for a celebration. Bu-ut it’s summer vacation, actually, and we’re just too wiped-out to do anything especially smashing and clever. So, instead we present you with a new fabulous graphic for your viewing pleasure especially for this post! WOOO! CHEERS! Stay Tuned for an exciting announcement about a NEW twist to the the link-up later in this very same post.
We’ve been having a blast getting to know those of you that have been participating, so thanks for sticking around and sharing your quirks along side of us! We look forward to growing and seeking out more realistic mommies to join us, so thanks for spreading the word to your friends!
Last week, we were all called upon to offer our little “Life Hacks”– You know, those time saving tips, tricks and secrets we all employ that help us as a mom.
Through the link-up we discovered that some of us powder instead of shower (sometimes!), some of us have found a sneaky way to fake “ironing”, and some of us lug laundry baskets of crap around with the very best of intentions!
We could only choose ONE “Little Life Hacks” Mommy Reality Challenge winner. And as usual, it was a tough decision as these were some really and TRULY ~Life-Changing~ tips on the link-up this week. (Haha).
So, with all things considered, we have decided that the winner is…
Susie, from Homemaker’s Journey Blog, Susie linked up an awesome, frugal and frankly one of those “Doh! Why didn’t I think of that?!” ideas about storing your plastic shopping bags inside a tissue box to eliminate clutter and for faster retrieval.
Here is your meme, Susie! We hope you’ll share it proudly!
And then we picked a runner-up. To be honest, we’re not exactly sure WHAT’S going on here and how we can benefit from it, but it’s a pic that contains Crocs and we’re a sucker for pics that contain Crocs.
Thanks, Kristen from ReadySetParenthood!
Time to announce our next Mommy Reality Challenge Theme: “Food-Face Fotos”!
We’ve all got those photos of our kiddos laying around… It could be a birthday cake shot, a mass of spaghetti swirled ’round the cheeks, or even YOU, sleep-deprived momma! Did you do a face-plant in your cereal bowl this morning? Aww, chin up, we’ve all been there!
This week’s theme was inspired by Celeste from Leapfrog and Lipgloss when she was sorting through an old Photobucket account from 8 years ago and found this shot of her eldest daughter eating prunes:
Don’t we all kind of feel like that after eating prunes?
Special Announcement! An exciting NEW Addition to the Mommy Reality Challenge: The winner of the Food Face Fotos, not only gets a special silly meme posted next week, but ALSO will get the opportunity to co-host the following week’s challenge along side of us! (Also stay tuned in for some other fun changes coming in the next few weeks!)
So grab a button, snap a pic (or use an old one in this case), make a post on your site and/or share your picture on a social media site with the hashtag #mommyreality and link it up below!
*Don’t forget that by submitting your pic, you are giving the Mommy Reality Team permission to use your photo to create a special silly meme for you if you win!
**The Mommy Reality team is VERY active on social media and in participating your post/photo will be pinned, posted, linked and shared on all of our social media accounts. So make sure to follow us so we can find your #mommyreality posts:
Instagram (Carolyn/Jen/Celeste)
Facebook (Carolyn/Jen/Celeste)
Once you have entered your link make sure to visit the rest of the Mommy Reality participants and show support and solidarity for some of the other fabulous moms not afraid to share the real in their lives!