Introducing Jenerally Informed 3.0!!!

In Blogging, Man-day by Jen

Welcome to JENerally informed Version 3.0! After many hours of study and implementation, we are pleased to welcome you to the future of “Staying Happy, Staying Informed.”

Jen- Wait, did you just use a dropcap?

Jen’s Guy- Yep.

Jen- Seems kind of pretentious, no?

Jen’s Guy- No pretentious was the parallax fireworks bar and the sound effects player BEFORE the drop cap.

Jen- What is parallax?

Jen’s Guy- This:

Jen- Wow!

Jen’s Guy- I know. Cool, huh?

Jen- No, wow, that really is pretentious. Also, why are we speaking in columns?

Jen’s Guy- Because we can.

Jen- OK, you just need to stop. . .

Jen’s Guy- I worked really hard on this, I should be able to show off a little.

For instance, here is a brief rundown of the progress we have made on the site and the work involved:

Total Site Completion
Dr. Pepper Consumed
Stuff I still haven't showed Jen how to do
Man Card Punched

Jen- I can just put in pictures and stuff without any hassle, though right?

Jen’s Guy- You didn’t say anything about pictures. . .

Hey, don’t Emoji me.

Jen’s Guy- Sorry!

Jen- In conclusion, the new site is super cool AND reponsive on all platforms, which is what we were mostly wanting. We will be back to regular programming and look forward to bringing you more of the JENerally Informed content that we like to write. If you have any criticisms or problems with the new site, please let us know about it in the comments and I’ll make Jen’s Guy fix it. Thank you for all of your support and patience with the downtime.

Jenerally Informed

Stay Happy,
Stay Informed!

Click Me!

Jen- I totally added that card. That was awesome!

Jen’s Guy- Settle down now. . .

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