How To Stay Hydrated, Manage Aches and Pains & Sleep Better! #ForBetterTomorrows #BetterTomorrows #FallBack

How To Stay Hydrated, Manage Aches and Pains & Sleep Better!

In Cooking & Crafting, Reviews by Jen

I have received information and materials from ©Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc. 2017.The opinions stated are my own. This is a sponsored post. #ForBetterTomorrows #BetterTomorrows #FallBack #CollectiveBias

On a daily basis I help to manage the lives of 6 people, a slew of domesticated animals, a host of PR and blogging clients, plus whatever else comes my way. And, although I adore the Holidays, the preparations add just a bit more to my already weighty plate. I need to be on the top of my game, but, as we know, life always finds a way of happening. Last week, while at one of my daughter’s soccer practices, I attempted to imitate David Beckham, and ended up on my  rear like Benny Hill. Which bruised a bit more than my pride. . .

Luckily, I had a few ideas about how to help myself! Because taking care of yourself is key. Especially when other people depend on you. This includes sleeping well, drinking enough water and managing those aches and pains. Here are few ways I have found to help me do that:

How To Stay Hydrated, Manage Aches and Pains & Sleep Better! #ForBetterTomorrows #BetterTomorrows #FallBack

First let’s talk about those aches and pains. Wasting vital daylight hours due to a poor night’s sleep caused by pain is a major bummer. So for me when aches and pains hit, like the ones that arose from my little soccer incident, I choose TYLENOL® PM to help me get a good night’s rest.

Go ahead and hover over over the image below to purchase TYLENOL® PM from Walgreens.


Sleeplessness is something many of us face and pain is an added layer of complexity to sleepless nights. TYLENOL® PM relieves those minor aches and pains while helping you fall asleep.

How To Stay Hydrated, Manage Aches and Pains & Sleep Better! #ForBetterTomorrows #BetterTomorrows #FallBack

TYLENOL® PM is collaborating with Walgreens to help treat consumers (like me) who are experiencing sleepless nights. We’ve all been there right? Especially with daylight savings upon us. We want our day time hours to matter. So pain free sleep is important! We don’t do time changes here in AZ, but last week’s conference call at 5 am with an East coast client after my soccer snafu would have been less than stellar if not for TYLENOL® PM! Luckily it was good, thank you TYLENOL® PM!

How To Stay Hydrated, Manage Aches and Pains & Sleep Better! #ForBetterTomorrows #BetterTomorrows #FallBack

Now let’s talk about hydration. We all know it is important, and even knowing that, I still struggle with it. Mostly because water can taste kind of blah, and so one of the ways I make sure I get that much needed H20 into my system is by whipping up some simple fresh fruit and veggie infused water. Like orange, lemon and cucumber water!

Here's how to infuse your own water! A simple way to increase your H20 intake.

There is seriously nothing better than a cool glass of water with a little extra zing! It’s a super simple thing to do, but it can definitely help you appreciate water again.  All you need to do is wash and slice your favorite fresh add-in like the ones you see above, and put it into a glass. Then fill the glass with water. Voila- Done! The longer the water sets- the more bold the flavors.

Here's how to infuse your own water! A simple way to increase your H20 intake.
You can even make up a full sized pitcher and leave it in the refrigerator for easy grab and go! Or add it to a water flask for an even more portable option.

Here's how to infuse your own water! A simple way to increase your H20 intake.

Here's how to infuse your own water! A simple way to increase your H20 intake.
I hope you have found some new ideas here today, and make sure to check out TYLENOL® PM here, and follow TYLENOL® on Facebook and YouTube!

How To Stay Hydrated, Manage Aches and Pains & Sleep Better! #ForBetterTomorrows #BetterTomorrows #FallBack

I would love to hear your sleep tips?

How To Stay Hydrated, Manage Aches and Pains & Sleep Better! #ForBetterTomorrows #BetterTomorrows #FallBack

Before you go, make sure to sign up for my email list, because I have loads of fun holiday posts you aren’t going to want to miss!


Only take TYLENOL® PM as directed on product packaging.
TYLENOL® PM contains a pain reliever and nighttime sleep aid. ©Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc. 2017 The third party trademarks used herein are trademarks of their respective owners.



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