We’re just a few days away from Halloween and I have one last quick project to share with you. Let me take a minute to introduce you to Halloween washer necklaces! They are the cutest and take only a few minutes to make.
First, gather your materials. You will need nail polish in different Halloween colors, 1/8 inch ribbon in various colors and washers.I picked up the nail polish at the dollar store, and the washers and ribbon on a visit to Walmart. I spent $5.00 total for everything!
Next paint a top layer on the washers. If the following pictures look like a 4 year old painted the washers, that’s because mine did! That’s how easy this project is. Plus, if we are living in the real world, not Pinterest land, most of us are going to use grocery store circulars for projects like this.
For your top layer of dots, spots, and other decor, use a toothpick or sharpened pencil and dip it in your desired color and get decorating!
To tie on the ribbon take a longish piece of ribbon and double it over, tying the two ends together. Slip the knotted end through the center part of the washer and then slip it through the large part of the knotted ribbon. Basically creating a simple slip knot.
Aren’t they cute! We made some purple ones too, but those got taken away promptly by the 4-year-old to accessorize, so sorry no pictures….
I was able to make about 7 necklaces in this batch, and then we had to paint someone’s nails in all of the pretty Halloween shades.
Thanks for stopping in and happy haunting!
Don’t miss grabbing this cute, for FREE printable!