A Discussion On God And Politics

In Parenting by Jen

We all know that we aren’t supposed to talk about God and politics, at least not together that is. The problem with this “prohibition” is that it contributes to the shenanigans that occur when people actually get around to discussing these 2 topics. In general they do a pretty bad job.

If you have a Facebook account you have to be well aware of what I am talking about. Right now is high political season in the United States, or the beginning of the season I have come to view as the time where all across social media and media in general, we are told how “God would have us vote.”

Want A Prime Example:

Or here is another one:

As a Christian, I am weary of people and organizations that try to tell me how Christians should act and vote. Especially people and organizations that have not shared in my personal journey to Christ. Pretty much every politician and political organization falls into this category. My relationship with God is personal and does not in any way travel through Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump or any other politician. 

Nor do I need my commitment to charity and brotherhood be called to task for supporting or not supporting a government program, either well meaning or contrived. When politicians pull the WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) card, it is insulting to me. Even more so when it is parsed into a meme as seen above and passed around social media with all of the nuance of a leopard skin chaise lounge.

Please, don’t be that person.

I think God has made it pretty clear the things he is concerned with.

To the woman at the well he said, “Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again. But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”

Everlasting Life has NEVER been the purview of the Government and cannot be granted by electoral results.

So who would God have me vote for this election season?

Well that is really none of your business.

Now all of that being said, I also believe we have a responsibility to be good citizens of the country in which we reside and this means to take an educated and thoughtful approach when voting. To seek out those candidates and positions for which we can support and stand behind. This means sometimes blocking out the media hailstorm that surrounds these issues and digging down to find out who and what we can support.

So in conclusion, if you are trying to sell me politics by saying it has God’s stamp of approval on it, please stop.

Instead please share the reasons for why I can and should support a cause or a person, and that is enough.


Go ahead and share this post, you know you want to!
