Each year my daughter’s school does a turkey trot. It’s adorable and I love watching all the little bobbing turkeys run in various head accoutrements and other turkey wardrobing choices!
We usually wait until the night before to pull something together for Liese’s “turkey wear”, but this year I decided that maybe we should start a little earlier. Especially, since she wore the ghost headband we made during the entire month of October. I figure maybe she would like to wear a turkey headband for the rest of this month. So we pulled out the crafting supplies and made something really cute, and super easy.
Here is what you need to make it
A glue gun
2 google eyes
About 4 to 5 small crafting feathers
1 headband (you can get a pack at the dollar store)
Some felt pieces in fall colors like orange, plaid, and brown
To make the headband, cut a peanut-shaped piece of fabric that is about 2.5 inches at the widest. I used this cute flannel fabric you see in the pictures. It is actually a leftover from my cute pumpkin pillow craft.
Next, cut another piece of fabric for the back that matches up in size to the front piece. I used a little sturdier piece of brown felt for the back.
For the last step you can see in the next few pictures how I sandwiched the feathers in between the 2 pieces of fabric.
Once you have the feathers sandwiched, you can work on the face. I used 2 google eyes and a teeny little orange scrap for a beak.
Glue the completed turkey on a headband according to your preference for the location, and voila!
This adorable headband took us a total of 10 minutes to make, so don’t be scared to take this craft on. If you do make one, I would love to see your “turkeys” headbands!
Thanks for stopping in and happy November,
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