During the summer months our family likes to plan a few fun themed days. The decision was made that this summer one of the days should be all about Harry Potter. My son CREATED a really fun “D & D esque” game that allowed us to actually be sorted into houses and then have a magical adventure. Seriously, there is nothing that kid can’t do!
Anyways, everyone knows that any Harry Potter themed event really needs to have some good old fashioned butter beer, and I have to say our version of the concoction was pretty darn tasty and super easy to make!
I did look online before making ours and there were some pretty elaborate concoctions, but my version requires only 2 ingredients! Making it is super simple.
My kids wanted their mugs frosty cold, so I grabbed a mug and added in a nice healthy handful of ice. Filled the mug up with root beer and added about 2 teaspoons of the vanilla caramel creamer.
Give the creamer a little stir, and voila! You have butter beer.
Here is a printable version of the recipe.
- A handful of ice.
- About 2 cups of root beer.
- 2 teaspoons of vanilla caramel creamer.
- Toss the ice into a mug.
- Cover the ice with the root beer.
- Add 2 teaspoons of the creamer to the mug.
- Give the creamer a good stir and watch the color change from a dark brown to a lovely caramel color.
- Enjoy!
I hope you enjoyed this recipe! Someday soon we may write a post about my son’s Harry Potter adventure, because dang was that fun!