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Last weekend we ended up having a few extra days off from school. My youngest daughter Anneliese thrives on crafting and creating. I am not sure if she is going to be an artist when she grows up or a veterinarian. She says she wants to do both, plus be a YouTuber and a ballerina. Hey, shoot for the stars right?!
Anyway, back to the long weekend. I hit my local crafting and Dollar store beforehand and bought some new crafting materials for her to use over the long weekend. It was very exciting for her! One of the crafts we made is just too cute not to share, and they are so easy to make and look absolutely adorable in her hair!
Take a look at the super cute Flower Hair Barrettes we made!
Making these are super easy!
Right now you can more than likely find cute red, white, and pink plastic flowers at your local craft store. Or you can make the same kind in a different variation using these.
Then using your handy glue gun, apply the flower to the flat (not bent upwards) end of the hair barrette.
If you need help on what type of clips to use, these are the kind of clips I use.
Then, voila, your hair barrettes are done in less than 5 minutes :)
Thanks for stopping in and happy almost February!
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